I’m new to the forum as of today and having just read the older
discussions, I can tell you when you “invited” people to time-hop with
you. Although your post of February 9th wasn’t truly an invitation to
join you when you travel back, I can see how it could have been taken
by some as being such.
I’d love to go back to the funkier times of the ’70s; every day I
feel more out of step with today’s world. If there’s room for me and
you are amenable to it, could you really drop me off in 1975? If so
please reply. Thank you.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 12:24 PM
Ahh haa. Busted John.
See you did lie, and you kept it going. So your just as guilty whether
or not you implied it directly or not. The point is, people believed
you, and you did nothing to stop that.
Way to go John, still waiting for that public apology.
Posted by John Titor on 03-05-2001 12:52 PM
((Although your post of February 9th wasn’t truly an invitation to
join you when you travel back, I can see how it could have been taken
by some as being such.))
I’m sure many things by many people are taken in many ways. I find
this an interesting point because I think its important to have implied
agreements on words and meanings before you can talk with another
person. If it wasn’t an invitation (by your own acknowledgement), am I
responsible for what people think? If I am, how would you propose that
I double check that? Are there really that many people out there upset
about this?
((Way to go John, still waiting for that public apology.))
I publicly apologize for confusing you J.C. and anyone else who is
packing their old bell-bottoms and shalls for a trip back to 1975.
Just curious J.C. Can you think of anything I could do to prove to you that I’m not a time traveler?
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 01:06 PM
((Just curious J.C. Can you think of anything I could do to prove to you that I’m not a time traveler? ))
I’m confused… what do you mean? I don’t think you are. Just wanted you to get your own story stright that’s all.
It’s not my fault I found some discrepancies. You didn’t get upset
with Pamela when she did too. All I did was pointed them out to you.
Just how she did. Right?
Hypocrisy, I tell you.
P.S. Now don’t you feel better now after you apologize? It wasn’t so
hard after all, I don’t see why you waited so long to do so
[Edited by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 at 01:29 PM]
Posted by Barbara Clements on 03-05-2001 01:14 PM
Since Heaven’s Gate was mentioned, I would like to say those involved
in Heaven’s Gate were seeking a meaning for their lives. They wanted
the easy way out, to hand thinking over to someone else, and follow
with the implication they were now endowed with that meaning. I think
they must’ve had a feeling of lack of meaning in the first place. Maybe
people wish to believe in a time traveler in order to feel the same
way. That they have meaning to their lives, proved by the fact that
they are under the surveilance of someone ‘important’.
Perhaps you are a time traveler, perhaps you are Whitley Streiber under
a pen name, who knows? Thomas Jefferson wrote with thoughts that
mattered not if he ever transcended his own time bodily, his mind did
it for him. The beauty of his soul came from his ability to think in
relation to his fellow human beings with empathy for their plight. If
time travel is possible, someone please give him a bus ticket, because
we need him in every time available.
[Edited by Barbara Clements on 03-05-2001 at 01:44 PM]
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-05-2001 01:21 PM
Now that we have the “What If Scenarios”.
If it happens, it happens.
Similiar to questions asked here, another forum discussed some
possibilities in the form a a Forum Story Googolplex. That was at http://www.sidgames.com/forums
in the topic class: Off-Topic. The story came down to the question “Can
humans with run-on sentences increase the total mass of the Universe,
at which point, it buldges at it seams, and we cause a split, or a
duality, of the Universe with all of this Information Age, or that the
Universe is destroyed, (blows up) from the increase in mass due to
run-on sentences?”
If it happens, well, I guess, it happened.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 01:22 PM
That was beautifully put
Posted by Lola Montez on 03-05-2001 01:47 PM
Thomas Jefferson owned 2,000 slaves.
Posted by Chester Ward on 03-05-2001 01:48 PM
…about returning to ’75.
I’m not in any way trying to jump on the “let’s trip John up”
bandwagon here. I’m sorry if that’s how you took it. You asked if
someone would point out the “invitation” and, as the post was fresh in
my mind, I did, and also clarified it as “not exactly an invitation”. I
asked if you’d consider taking a hitch-hiker, as I’ve no reason to
doubt you’re being who you say you are, I absolutely believe time
travel happens and have, for the past decade, dreamed of going back to
simpler times. Since you’re stopping there anyway….
Posted by Randy Empey on 03-05-2001 02:15 PM
Javier —
Actually, I have a question (which is along very simmular lines as
what I think John is getting at) that I want to see you answer: Can you
prove or disprove anything? And if your answer to that is ‘Yes.’ then
I’d also like to have you prove it.
[Edited by Randy Empey on 03-05-2001 at 02:24 PM]
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-05-2001 02:28 PM
Here is a link to Russia, http://allnews.ru , did I just prove it?
Posted by Barbara Clements on 03-05-2001 02:32 PM
Lola, those were the times.
Posted by E. Robert Gonzalez on 03-05-2001 02:45 PM
I probably worded it wrong when I talked about believing John. I am
now leaning towards the possibility that he is a time traveler for alot
of personal reasons as well. I hope I can get my questions answered by
John and further understand your apparently grim future. Apparently the
more visible mission of my “future-self” was to save my future and that
of my family’s. I am very worried about the future and would do my best
to protect the ones I love. If I can atleast be prepared for it, then
maybe I’ll fare well.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 02:50 PM
Prove what? All I did was point out John’s discrepancies. I think it’s
proof enough, if you can see what he’s said in past post, and what he
says now. It doesn’t match up.
Posted by John Titor on 03-05-2001 05:49 PM
((Can you tell us if reverse speech is used in the future for business or even pleasure?))
I’m not very familiar with reverse speech but what I saw on the web
leads me to conclude it’s a bit objective. I’m not sure if its been
proven scientifically to be very accurate. Are you aware of any
research that shows that?
((Also, can you talk about earthquakes in California or Nevada?))
No I can’t. Besides, I see others predicting earthquakes and very few people pay any attention to them.
((Thanks, John, for starting this topic and sharing your time with us. We are really enjoying it and you!))
I appreciate that a great deal. Your future will be fine.
((Warping time and space takes lots of energy))
Yes it does. A nuclear aircraft carrier and a space shuttle main engine also take a great deal of energy.
((. .. making finding out if or how TT works hard . . . is this
because of some accidental way the universe turned out, or is it a
fundamental law written in by the Creator?))
Hawking believes it’s possible to build a time machine but a
mysterious energy will destroy it if anyone tries to use it. In my
opinion, manipulating gravity is not the hard part of time travel.
Also, with great power comes great responsibility. If man has a
limitation, that’s it.
((John Titor,what if something happens to your device to get
back,let us say inoperable,would you then change the world by
announcing warnings,and also what if you got a flat tire inbetwwen
times would you have to pull over to fix it in a wrong time?))
No, I wouldn’t do anything different if my machine broke. I would
still be a stranger and a guest here. My opinions and “announcements”
would also be the same as anyone else’s. I may however offer advice to
my younger self.
((I still have some questions you have not responded to but hate to
ask again in the event you do not wish to respond or just have not made
your way to them yet. Could you let me know which? I will wait to hit
you with more until I know the status.))
If I missed something feel free to bring it up again.
(( Why aren’t you traveling and telling us about your latest trip to the pyramids…))
Yes, that would be fascinating but the unit I have is unable to go back that far accurately.
((instead of talking about specifics you should be bored from in your awareness to them?))
Not at all, I find the subject fascinating. There are two real
issues I hope people think about when I’m gone. One, how will you react
when another time traveler shows up and two, how are we going to handle
the responsibility of time travel when its invented.
((Are the Great Pryamids still standing in 2036?))
Yes, although one of them was severely damaged.
((If you wish to experience society as it was, admitting yourself to be a time traverler is counter-productive.))
Yes, if I was here for that purpose and if you believed me I suppose that would be an issue.
((How’s communication around the world in 2036. Do you still have literature widely available?))
Yes, books and other literature are available but most of the distribution is via the net.
((What’s the latest book you’ve read that you were only able to hear about in your own time?))
The latest book I read was the autobiography of the Red Baron
compiled from letters to his mother. Yes, I was aware of it in my own
time but finding an original copy there was almost impossible.
((Is new literature also so available?))
((Is the english language begining to segment into sects and
accents with less influence from trourists? Or is tourism still strong
and thriving in 2036.))
I would say the English language is pretty much the same as it is
now. There are differences in slang and figures of speech but it’s
nothing you couldn’t pick up. Yes, I suppose we do have “tourism”.
Thanks again for the book reference.
((can you tell me what year the police will stop busting people for smoking weed???))
It happens about the same time they stop coming to your house when you dial 911.
((do they start pushing for legalization earlier than the war????))
It’s not really an issue of the government letting you do
something, It’s more like they have other things to worry about. Don’t
you feel you’re capable of taking care of yourself? If you want to take
mood-altering drugs, why should my opinions stop you from that? They
don’t stop you from taking alcohol, tobacco or fast food.
In any case, it also lets Darwin take over. One of the reasons drug
abuse isn’t a major problem in 2036 is because no one wants to die from
it and everyone else who did is dead.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 06:25 PM
Hypothetically speaking, what will make your trip to the future impossible? And if you do go back, what here can change it?
Even superman has weakness, and I am sure there is something or someone (hehe
Some Yang will always exist to oppose some Ying.
Posted by Pamela Moore on 03-05-2001 07:43 PM
You make the statement that you do not believe John is really a time traveler…..what is all of this then????
(all from this thread..”Iam from 2036″)
page 21:
“That above example not just shows how irresponsible you are, but
how ignorant as a Time Traveler you are as well: “I just don’t know. I
was not prepared for the year 2001.” Good choice, 2036″
page 22:
..”and your future culture finds no flaw with prolonging it.
Instead, they gave one of their Time Traveler (meaning you) a device to
come to the past and exploit the chance to take and do as you and they
see fit.
Time Travel is an evil means to get what you want; I wouldn’t be surprised if your world is Satanic. “
page 24:
“Hence my hatred towards Time Travel, and Time Travelers. “
“Someone’s got to do something. Who here has the guts to stand up for justice in the matter of temporal violators?”
“And as for me being jealous of John, that’s not likely. Why would I be jealous of a Time Traveler? I hate Time Travelers”
page 25:
“I have to say John is very clever. But personally I don’t like Time
Travelers, so I can’t be like you or the rest and listen to him. “
page 26:
“Look at the picture our resident Time Travel painted for us. We
can’t do jack in his Time Line. And to make matters worse, Time Travel
is a way of life to their government and people, and for what hidden
“I’ll bet you’ll have some very interesting stories to tell your
government about us when you go back John . What will your report
entitle? That you weren’t prepared for the year 2001, and that you had
information about your time device leak out? It’s true; you stated you
weren’t ready for the year 2001, who knows what things you could have
done different had you been ready”
“knowing how I am, I know that I will not rest until I bring time
Travel Violators to justice. So maybe there is a high chance that it
could be me. Why, scared John? You sounded nervous to me.”
“He has put his younger self in danger of someday being found out
and exploited by our government. He has exploited the opportunity of
using the past to rowdy up events for some secret agenda he claims to
have. Saying he will video tape his departure, completely irresponsible
of its repercussions. Just to name a few.
The choice is ours people; our future is what we want it to be. Do most
of you want a future where Time Travel is a way of life? I know I
don’t, because how would you feel knowing that your life is not yours
to dictate, but mainly what the future wants it to be. “
With all things considered, Is it not possible that people could misunderstand you as well?
for anyone listening to these statements might just come to the conclusion that you may be the biggest believer of all.
John said: ((Just curious J.C. Can you think of anything I could do to prove to you that I’m not a time traveler? ))
“Prove what? All I did was point out John’s discrepancies. I think
it’s proof enough, if you can see what he’s said in past post, and what
he says now. It doesn’t match up. “
[Edited by Pamela Moore on 03-05-2001 at 08:34 PM]
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 03-05-2001 08:09 PM
Barbara those were nice thoughts though isn’t it a bit presumptuous
to imagine you know how the Heaven’s Gate people felt? It is my
understanding that the majority of them had lived together for some 20
years and had spent a lot of time directly confronting the difficult
issues of their own and each other’s lives, in an exciting, supportive
and sometimes uncomfortably confrontive way. People who wanted to leave
were given $1000 to help get back into the swing of normal life. Most
testimonials talked about how deep their experience of life had been on
their path. People here in San Diego who had contact with them spoke of
what a joy it was to just be around them.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-05-2001 11:04 PM
A future Russian leader starts a conversation answered by the American leader in the future:
Dah, Dah, Dah, dah, dah, Dah!
Duh! Duh!, Duh!, duh, duh, duh, duh, Duh!
Dah! Dah!
Duh, duh, duh, duh duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh
Dah! dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah,dah dah
Duh! duh, duh, duh,duh,duh,duh,duh Duh!
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-06-2001 03:43 AM
Well, I been reading more, now I’ll lose some sleep.
It seems that the Civil War part, is what I question.
If I went by what you say John, then, if I’m not too tired,
then it would be the Police that start acting weird?
Well, a lot of people seem to be bent towards hate these days. Want to hand out orders, be in control.
But still I just find that the Police are trying to do their job.
Now the lastest is thermal imaging of houses where drugs may be grown.
Is that a real loss of a freedom, or should they have the right to
(spy) on people with high-tech devices?
A laser that shines on a window can record the conversation going on in the house.
Since I mainly listen to talk radio, this is where I get my info,
from a talk-show host that seems to have a nack for finding out things
going on in this time.
I guess this is the question that we now have to answer, high-tech equipment helping out law-enforcement?
I still think if people are not doing anything wrong, then these
problems can be solved peacefully, not at the expense of human-life?
Others may conclude that it means a loss of rights.
Many people would not like to admit their madness in this day and
age. I find that usually fighting for things that may not change to be
the biggest problem with people, they want to instantly fight over all
things. It’s this pettyness that drives people now. Road rage, not
allowing for other people to think, others not being concerned with
what they are doing, causing problems, but a deep un-relaxed feeling
that everyone is against them.
Are we blooming flowers or dying wilting flowers?
A lot of people scare themselves into thinking doom.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-06-2001 07:36 AM
You out of all people, should know that I speak hypothetically. Or
if anyone claims to be something, I make it sound if he were, what
would he do if he were. Haven’t you noticed? Everytime I question him,
it’s to make it seem that if he were a Time Traveler, why is he messing
up so much? I don’t believe he is though, you took what I said and
attacked me without knowing all the facts. And you know me better then
these people, so that makes it even more difficult to understand why
you would be so much against me.
He didn’t get mad at you when you brought forward his mistakes, but
when I bring out his mistakes he gets mad at me, and you support him
everytime. That’s just not fair.
How many times must I tell you that it’s the principal that drives me.
If he is, or isn’t a Time Traveler, he claims he is. I don’t believe
him though. You do though, and so do alot of other people here.
Excuse me for being on the opposite side of things, but it needs to be known.
Have a nice day,
Javier C.
Posted by Pamela Moore on 03-06-2001 08:43 AM
I am trying to make you aware of something. I am trying to point something out to you.
“You out of all people, should know that I speak HYPOTHETICALLY Or if
anyone claims to be something, I make it sound if he were, what would
he do if he were.”
How was one to know this? wasnt this what John claimed he was
doing? If he was actually going to take people back with him this is
how he would do it? you called him a liar…would this make you one as
well? Should I ask for your apology to the group?
“you took what I said and attacked me without knowing all the facts.”
I have only done with your words what you have done with John’s. If
you consider this an attack…you might want to consider what you are
doing to John.
“He didn’t get mad at you when you brought forward his mistakes, but when I bring out his mistakes he gets mad at me”
I don’t think John is mad at you. He has never spoken even one bad word against you to me. I can testify to that.
“I don’t believe him though. You do though, and so do alot of other people here.”
you are assuming this but have no idea what people believe on this
forum unless they have stated it openly. even then….people can change
their minds.
You, yourself have no proof whatsoever that John is or isnt a time
traveler. people have the right to beleive or not believe whatever they
want to. Most people just want to hear what John has to say. let them
make up their own minds.
I am not against you, Javier. I am just trying to make you aware of
some things. what you are doing to others, you do not like yourself.
And talking about not being fair…I don’t think you are being very
fair to John.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-06-2001 09:44 AM
Well talk about streching the truth. John was direct in claims of
being a Time Traveler, everyone knew I was intentive in exposing him.
If that method is to give the example of “What if you were a Time
Traveler” “what would you do if” and so on, does not mean I believe he
is, if it gave you and him the impression that I believed him. I think
that’s where you misunderstood me and all this started.
I can do very well without bringing up what you said, I know what you
mean. People can make up their own minds. But you must let them choose.
Not just let them have 1 side of a subject to choose.
Me being quiet, will just leave 1 side. Your side. And that is what
I have been trying to make you be aware of for almost a year now.
Moreover, did you think I cared what John has said to you about me. NO! Have I ever asked you, NO! What makes you think I care?
Just because I said it wasn’t fair, does not mean I want others to
feel sorry for me because you think you turned it around on me. I just
said that to point out how hypocritical some people can be.
Posted by James N. Dickey on 03-06-2001 11:17 AM
Let’s just say for now Ok. I take it the big corporate giants are
still around(GE, GM, GF and the like) is the World of 2036 still Money
Driven or has that changed. Does it still Squelch the little Guy with a
better Mouse Trap(Free Energie) or more Produtive means of producing
Power(Like H2O2 Receprecating Rocket Engine) or the Burk 2-Stroke which
was demonstrated in the 60′s and was able to run an 18-whlr with only
60cc engine size. Did the Perpetual Thermal Steam Disk ever take off in
mass Use. or did it preaty much stay the same as it has been(Exploite
the Non Renuable Resorcess) and their By Products. Just a few Thaughts
for Now.
Posted by David R Ferguson on 03-06-2001 11:37 AM
John and all, I have been reading with fascination this thread for a
few weeks now. Are you a Time Traveler, John? I do not know. You make
an interesting and compelling case, regardless of whether I or anyone
else believes that you are.
The whole concept of time travel — with its myriad possibilities
due to an action occurring in one brief moment — is mind-boggling. To
imagine for a moment that a single event sets off unforeseen
consequences, and knowing that this happens in infinite numbers at all
times, can be quite humbling.
Take, if you will, a chain of events which happened to me within
the past day. While proceeding to get my two year old a cup of milk
last evening, I somehow managed to lose the cap off of the milk carton.
My wife then poured the milk into a pitcher and placed it back inside
the refrigerator. This morning my two year old went to help himself to
another cup of milk, and you guessed it, he dropped the pitcher
spilling the contents all over our kitchen floor. This made me 10
minutes later beginning my commute to work, and possibly saved my life
as I was not involved in a car accident that occurred where I normally
would have been had I left at my normal time.
I only mention the above because it seems that even the fact of my
encountering this thread on this website seems to all be interconnected
This brings me to another point. I have been very moved by some of
John’s accounts, as well as others, in relation to the projected
upcoming strife and war. I said I have a two year old boy, which means
he is the approximate same age as John. If these prognostications are
true, then I certainly do not like what is foreboded for my children.
I, personally, am not surprised at this picture because I have
foretold this scenario myself, not by implementing any time traveling
means, but through observation and analysis. A person only needs to
look at the recent presidential election to see that a war is a
distinct possiblitiy involving rural America versus the cities. Look at
how the electoral college played out. Al Gore carried the heavily
populated east and west coasts, with the rural areas between basically
favoring George W. Bush. The mainstream media tried to portray this as
proving how close to the “center” the electorate is. I, however, hold
an opposing viewpoint in that I believe it shows just how polarized we
have become. The rural areas want more of a traditional America with
traditional family values. I predicted an imminent violent uprising
even before the election, and I still hold to this belief. I hope I am
Do I own a gun? No, but I certainly support the Second Amendment and a person’s right to do so.
Take care all of you, and God bless America!
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-06-2001 12:30 PM
All very interesting David up previous. I really do not see rural
America really interested in starting an uprising. What is bothering
people to me, is constant lay-offs and the changing of life in the
Information Age. Some refuse to need this new kind of thinking, ushered
in by people using computer more. This grand thing called the computer
to make life easier has also had its drawbacks. I wish that America
would look into a Think Tank type of operation for thinking about
issues and quality first, but then I guess that would not be America
anymore. People I guess, feel that they are shoved around, but that is
nothing different than previous management from the past. The social
problems are a relatively few individuals, whom other people hear more
about on the news.
I suggest everyone listen to talk-radio more, only a few shows on TV are worth watching.
As one person put it, greed is driving America, and some feel at
the loss of interaction between people. People have their opinions, but
like arse-holes, everyone got one, and for the most part, opinions are
just a form of belief system held by the individual. People see panic
where there may be none.
I put it this way, upper management looks at America and the way
individuals are acting and says “I put the operation overseas”, well,
at least to me.
Its all concerned with how much of the moola people can have. That
may not lead to anything. Combined with taxes and people talk about
The best way is still the old way, write your Congress People and keep at it. Most people complain but that is ordinary too.
Life could be a lot harder, we have become slack for saying lack of
money to spend on anything. People have no fear, if they do something
wrong, they will not suffer the punishment that is needed to correct
the situation.
I got the opinion that baby-boomers were treated too good, for
some of them, and afterall, I am a baby-bummer, like some of the rest.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-06-2001 02:40 PM
Not much was mentioned about the Middle East (Arab Countries). What happens there? Wiped mostly out like Europe? (WWIII)
Posted by Barbara Clements on 03-06-2001 09:12 PM
So it doesn’t matter that the Pied Piper is leading you off the cliff?
Only that you have a smile on your face as you go down. Well then, all
I have to say to you is have a nice trip.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-07-2001 12:04 AM
We live in this world. Not to misuse anyone or site or thing:
Here’s a few, I use to have more, now who’s looking?
England, and BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/
Ireland and the Internet: http://www.nua.ie/ wrote the book about the upcoming digital age for the US. Government.
Antarctica through Australia: http://www.antdiv.gov.au/
Australia: http://www.newaus.com.au/
Russia: http://allnews.ru
Italy: http://www.publinet.it/
Switzerland: http://www.pubblinet.it/
The Constitution: http://www.constitution.org/
Congress but through another website:
Now China can also be reached, 16 million on Internet, HongKong, Japan.
The world got small, so when we assume that America with Canada with Brazil are the only ones on the Internet,
I always wonder who looking at what on the Internet.
Well, that my speech, that all you’ll hear. Who may care anyway?
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 03-07-2001 09:07 AM
Albert Cattoir: “All very interesting David up previous. I really do
not see rural America really interested in starting an uprising. What
is bothering people to me, is constant lay-offs and the changing of
life in the Information Age. “
If you can’t see this (rural America, for one) then you are not looking. It is as plain as your image in the mirror.
“People I guess, feel that they are shoved around, but that is
nothing different than previous management from the past. The social
problems are a relatively few individuals, whom other people hear more
about on the news. “
People are being shoved around. I have been having some serious
family problems this past week. I won’t go into details, but, let us
say that someone can make an accusation against another in todays
society and the person being accused is arrested, held for up to 72
hours without seeing a judge (thereby missing work, school, perhaps
getting fired or failing classes) all because someone made a FALSE
ACCUSATION! This actually happened so dont come back telling me it
DOESN’T happen. The social problems we see on the news are indeed the
most news-worthy, at least in the sense of the media. However, a LOT of
people are having problems in society, from taxes to government
intervention where there should be neither.
People, in short, in America are FED UP with government
intervention. They are fed up with people attacking their rights
because of a few bad apples.
Your suggestion of talk radio is right on the mark. Folks really
should be listening to alternative news sources. They are accurate,
truthful and most importantly, cover things and facts that the
main-stream media does not cover.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-07-2001 09:47 AM
It’s refreshing to hear someone besides me taking a passionate stand on something. Keep it up buddy
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-07-2001 09:48 AM
Yes, that has happened to me also.
Sense of humor?
Well, would you look at that? What is that suppose to be?
An ET. No, just a crazy human running around with his arms wavering over his head. Oh!
Posted by Dan Richardson on 03-07-2001 10:03 AM
Before I pose my questions to John, I would like to take this
opportunity to point out to all participants in this thread that
regardless of whether one believes in the validity of John’s claims, it
is wonderful to see people engaging in a discussion that pushes
participants to present their opinions and questions based on ones
individual experiences, philosophies, and knowledge. What worries me
most about our future is that we, as a civilization, seem to be more
interested in being spoon-fed our opinions on any given issue because
it is much easier to take another’s word for it, rather than ask
questions and come to our own conclussion. I apologize if I am rambling
on, but I felt it necessary to point out that if we don’t ask ourselves
and each other the hard questions and participate in discussions, we
will always have to take someone else’s word it.
Now, my question for John:
How does time travel affect our future(no pun intended) exploration of the universe?
It seems that the geatest obstacles in our way right now are a
matter of energy (propulsion technology) and economic feasibility. It
seems to me that time travel technology could neatly takes care of both.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-07-2001 10:31 AM
Hope things work out, Rick.
Maybe its a rememberance as a child, but the closet I ever came to
having a distinct feeling of helplessness, and maybe hopelessness, was
during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Now, Pres. Kennedy was not going to allow Russia to move missiles
into Cuba, at any time by any means. When broadcast on TV, his speech
was so that many may have thought that the end of the World just might
Back then, no one even thought of the possibility of what a War meant, just that it may happen.
Hopefully everything works out, and the future does not have this really occuring.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-07-2001 11:18 AM
I still like the topic time travel, well at least in this minute.
Last dreadful reply.
1) It occurs sooner now, it occurs later, it does not occur at all. I am telling you the future.
2) Missiles come in from some other country. Hit cities.
How many cities hit around Washington D.C. Does the President or
anyone in Congress, or any leader escape in Air Force One? Only 12 or
so minutes before dead. Out to Andrews Air Force base, very fast in
helicopter, 5 minutes, ususally takes 10 minutes. Jet lifts off, climbs
up, oops, caught in blast. All leaders dead. No, maybe a Senator is
alive. Goood! Go fine Senator, leader at moment. Why? What are the
nuclear silo people doing? Will the country launch another attack? Are
their nuclear silo people still alive?
Both are, stay down there for months. No contact with any
civilization. Who got authority to tell them not to launch another
attack? I do not know. Waving arms at all nuclear silo bunkers, with
radiation suit on. Please do not launch another attack. Humans stll
exist. I do not know if through their camera, they can even see me. Who
got authority? Did that person communicate with these trained
personnel? How?
All communication may be down. How do we contact these trained
personnel with orders that may include, “Launch all missiles if no sign
of life after a certain period of time?
My scenario, all life ends, some life may exist?, it never happens.
Posted by David R Ferguson on 03-07-2001 11:44 AM
I, too, wish and hope that things work out for you. I have also
seen too many times when just the false accusation has ruined peoples’
People in this country are tired of the Constitution being trampled
upon by those in power, and it does seem to be that those in the
predominantly rural areas of the country are the most upset about the
continued erosion of personal freedom by an increasingly intrusive
federal government. John’s description of the future in the relative
short term does appear highly plausible.
My oldest son wanted me to ask if you have any siblings. I
apologize in advance if you have already answered this previously, but
I do not recall you mentioning anyone other than yourself and your
parents in your prior messages.
Also, are you still planning on broadcasting your departure via a broadcast over the Internet? That would be quite interesting.
Is there still an NCAA basketball tournament in 2036, and if so, has it expanded from its current 64 team format?
Please answer at your earliest convenience.
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 03-07-2001 04:48 PM
Hello, again.
I’ve been pondering you and the philosophy that you’ve printed here and it occurred to me:
John Titor – anagram “I John Trot”
Is this possible? In 18th Century pantomime Clown was also known as
John Trot,Clodpole and Clodpate. This character often played opposite
Harlequin and Columbine. In the Frederic Bastiat economic sophism “The
Tax Collector” Clodpate played the tax collector who was extracting tax
from vintner James Goodfellow. James asks of Clodpate how he will
benefit from paying an extortionate tax:
James: And what benefit do I derive from it today?
Clodpate: The satisfaction of saying:
How proud I am to be a Frenchman
When I behold the triumphal column!
James: And the humiliation of leaving to my heirs an estate
burdened with a rent that they will have to pay for all time to come.
Still, one really must pay one’s debts, however foolishly the money may
have been spent.
Is it true? Is your nom de plum an anagram telling us that you are Clown poking fun at both the government and us?
Posted by John Titor on 03-07-2001 06:24 PM
((Is this possible? In 18th Century pantomime Clown was also known
as John Trot,Clodpole and Clodpate. This character often played
opposite Harlequin and Columbine. In the Frederic Bastiat economic
sophism “The Tax Collector” Clodpate played the tax collector who was
extracting tax from vintner James Goodfellow. James asks of Clodpate
how he will benefit from paying an extortionate tax))
Unfortunately, I’m not that well read. But it does look like an
interesting story and I will be sure to pick it up if it sparks a
connection between it and me. Madam I’m Adam…that’s the only one I
Questions coming…
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-07-2001 07:12 PM
((Unfortunately, I’m not that well read.))
Nah fa real? Your to modest
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 03-07-2001 10:14 PM
I know…it was stretch. But your political humor would be appreciated by Clodpate in any case.
And: dios mio, Javier. Calmete. Whether John is real or not, he
hasn’t asked me for any money, hasn’t tried to sell me anything and
isn’t “pumping & dumping” penny stocks. I happen to like the John
Trot anagram because John Trot is humorous as is John Titor.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-07-2001 10:36 PM
Hey Darby, tu habals Español too? I’m more of Spanglish then Spanish
and English. But I can still roll my “R’s” as good as the best of them.
I’m a real motoRrrrrrrr
P.S. I know John is humorous, that’s why I gave a little smile at the
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 03-07-2001 11:04 PM
Thanks for confirming that you too can see the humor in this thread.
For me its a bit like coming home to my favorite TV program. We post
one evening, go to bed and then when I get home from work the next day
I can’t wait to see the next chapter in the story.
Oh, yeah. I do speak Spanish…I even pick up my bi-lingual
allowance every payday. Growing up in Santa Barbara County it was a
must…my friends spoke Spanish at home. Little did I know “way back
when” how much money I’d make because I took those classes just because
I enjoyed them. (Sorry Mary & Keith – I know…OT)
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 03-08-2001 12:37 AM
This evening I was involved in following up on your reference material
from your postings on another site. And guess what? As I was following
the Frank Tipler/Tipler sinusoid material I landed on the “Ultimate
Bulletin Board” Time Travel thread.
There were the Big Three from this thread: You as TimeTravel_0, Pamela, Javier and one other fellow on page 11…Trott.
I believe that I nailed the anagram. And I swear, I didn’t peak at
the Ultimate Bulletin Board first. I nailed Trot last night and found
Trott tonight.
Posted by Barbara Clements on 03-08-2001 03:39 AM
Tried to find this Ultimate Bulletin Board, but am not allowed in,
because one must be a member. Can you list the site? Am I at the right
site address?
Posted by John Titor on 03-08-2001 07:32 AM
((There were the Big Three from this thread: You as TimeTravel_0, Pamela, Javier and one other fellow on page 11…Trott. ))
((I believe that I nailed the anagram. And I swear, I didn’t peak at
the Ultimate Bulletin Board first. I nailed Trot last night and found
Trott tonight.))
I find this interesting because it gives me a very tempting easy
out. I could now rest assured that someone had “figured me out” and I
can relax before I leave.
However, I am not Trott and this name and TTO are the only names
I’ve used online. After looking at my name here, have you considered
its origin from another word-play standpoint? For example, TITOR could
equal TIme-Travel-OR.
After looking at your name Mr. Darby, I can pull out “MEET ME TAR
BABY” which I’m assuming is a reference to the Song of the South. In
that case, are you telling us in a secret way that you are trying to
distract us by fooling us in the bre’r patch?
I would not insult your collective intelligence by leaving a hook
out there for you to discover while I was making sport of you. Whether
I’m a time traveler or not, I think we’ve spoken about many important
things I would not want to diminish.
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 03-08-2001 08:22 AM
One of John’s messages is one of impending Civil War (or some kind of war)
If you haven’t noticed, this generation is Ready to Rumble
DELTONA — A fifth-grade boy on Tuesday threatened to bring a gun
to Sunrise Elementary School, one day after a school shooting in
Southern California left two people dead and 13 others injured.
… With the nation on edge over a deadly school shooting in San
Diego, more incidents of school violence were reported Wednesday, but
no one was killed. In Pennsylvania, police commended a teen-ager who,
after a classmate was shot inside their crowded cafeteria, persuaded
the alleged shooter to drop her gun.
…In the jittery two days after the deadly shootings at Santana
High School, at least 11 California students were arrested and several
more suspended for reportedly making threats against classmates or
bringing real or fake weapons to schools.
…Authorities in Washington state arrested a student Wednesday for
allegedly bringing a gun to Kentwood High School in suburban Seattle.
…Three junior high school students in San Bernardino County were
arrested Tuesday for threatening to place a bomb on a teacher’s desk
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-08-2001 08:26 AM
Hey John,
I don’t know about you being well read, but I do know your well
taught in matters of not wanting to apper manipulative to your fans
Posted by Randy Empey on 03-08-2001 11:05 AM
Javier –
Me, earlier:
quote:Actually,Javier, earlier:
I have a question (which is along very simmular lines as what I think
John is getting at) that I want to see you answer: Can you prove or
disprove anything? And if your answer to that is ‘Yes.’ then I’d also
like to have you prove it.
quote:Randy,First things first: Prove what? Well, that you can prove anything, for starters.
Prove what? All I did was point out John’s discrepancies. I think
it’s proof enough, if you can see what he’s said in past post, and what
he says now. It doesn’t match up.
Discrepancies in written material isn’t proof enough of anything.
It certainly is important information, and thanks for pointing out what you have.
But please stop pretending it is proof of anything.
There still is room for AT LEAST a reasonable doubt, both ways, here .
. . and the generally accepted norm is to assume an individual
not-guilty of a crime until they can be prooven guilty without a
reasonable doubt.
Timetravel ain’t a crime, I’m fairly certain.
But lying certainly seems like one.
So lets assume John not-guilty of lying about being a time-traveler
until you can prove to us that he isn’t without a reasonable doubt.
You still won’t be able to prove it absolutely though, so don’t pretend you can.
And, just so you know, I don’t think the above is a proof, but I do
think it elliminates many reasonable doubts about my argument.
Lets let John and my fellow ‘lemmings’ talk philosophy, physics and
about the human condition, and cut down a bit on the evil-timetraveler
rhetoric, OK?
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-08-2001 01:47 PM
Let’s see, John, you are a time-traveler or not.
Your story is true or not.
Interesting anyway, hoped you used some of the links.
Posted by Jay Richards on 03-08-2001 02:20 PM
John, I want to be sure to get this Q out before you might stop
posting here. I’ve read a number of posts, but I’ll go back and read
the entire thread afterwards, so sorry if this has been adequatly
covered already.
From your perspective of posting as a time traveller from 2036,
please tell if any significant theistic events occur between now and
then and if so, please describe.
(That question does not directly pertain to religion)
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 03-08-2001 03:10 PM
<<However, I am not Trott and this name and TTO are the only
names I’ve used online. After looking at my name here, have you
considered its origin from another word-play standpoint? For example,
TITOR could equal TIme-Travel-OR.
After looking at your name Mr. Darby, I can pull out “MEET ME TAR BABY”
which I’m assuming is a reference to the Song of the South. In that
case, are you telling us in a secret way that you are trying to
distract us by fooling us in the bre’r patch? >>
Actually, John, I did consider Time-Travel-OR based on the moniker
TimeTravel_O elsewhere. I didn’t consider that as a possibility as it
begs the question, “Time Travel-OR what?”
It’s never been my motivation to attack your veracity. Whether you are
an actual time traveler or not doesn’t concern me. I did consider that
you might have opted to create your own foil in Trott (or even Javier)
to create a sophistic dialogue through which your message is delivered.
You and Trott – Phaedo and Echerates of Phlius: instead of discussing
the four arguments of immortality while lamenting the suicide of
Socrates, you discuss the possibility of time travel and the society of
our not too distant future. I still find you to be humorous and thought
Oh, the anagram of my name: Emmett is my first name and “Darby” is
a nickname taken from my last name, Darbyshire. I hope that my Gaelic
ancestors didn’t play a joke on me by giving me that last name and
having my parents give me that first name.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-08-2001 07:34 PM
So am I to assume that there is no way of truly answering your
prove it question? Especially here in a forum, where anyone can
fabricate anything and try to pass if off as the genuine truth.
So I guess however you put it, we can’t prove anything here. And in the
end, we’ll still be asking the questions, “Was John telling the truth”
“Was he a real Time Traveler”?
I personally don’t believe him, but you and others may think other
wise. I only trust what I can feel inside my guts. They have never
steered me wrong before. I got a Spidey Sense
Can’t prove that either, but I’m not here to convince you of anything. I just call’em how I see’em, that’s all.
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 03-08-2001 09:28 PM
John – Could you give us your reaction to the following. It is from
another folder on these school shootings. And BTW, what are yourt
thoughts on what’s happened this week throughout the country. We had a
kid run over four college students in Sta. Cruz and a rash of weapons
related inceidents in High Schools throughout the country.
Here’s an excerpt. I hope Mr. Hamner does not mind
“I was talking to a dear friend of mine last night. He seemed very upset so I asked what was up and if I could help.
He related that his 14 year old son was now in the custody of the
police. I asked what had happened. He then told that his son and some
other boys had just gotten into paintball. On the school bus they’d
talk about the games they were playing. The bus driver understood that
it was only paintball. Anyway, the bus driver told the boys that “they
were just plain evil” at that my friends son told the bus driver “no,
if I was evil I’d shoot you” (not smart in todays enviroment), this
happen monday afternoon. On Tuesday night the sheriff’s department
showed up and arrested his son, took him to the juvenile detetion
center. As of last night my friend had been unable to talk to his
child. He has met with the school officials, the principle was unaware
of the incident.”
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-08-2001 10:50 PM
If you don’t mind me asking, what are you hoping to accomplish by having John answer this?
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 03-09-2001 12:19 AM
I’m with Javier on this one. Other than being just another guy on the
street what difference does it make what John feels about the four
incidents (count ‘em, four) you referred to?
There wasn’t a rash of incidents. There was one major incident at a
school followed by editors running as lead stories anything that
involved a kid and a weapon nationwide. No San Diego incident = no
“rash” (the wire services wouldn’t pick up on the stories) And a small
correction. Unless UC Santa Cruz ALSO had four students run over, it
was UC Santa Barbara (actually in Isla Vista) where the students were
run over – about two miles from my home and 250 miles from Santa Cruz.
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