Buddy.. listen..
This is for all you other believers to:
Time travel may be possible, but if you were to time travel, you
would NOT land on Earth. You would land in a vacuum of space. You have
to take into account that the universe is expanding, the Earth, the
solar system and the galaxy are all moving. If you truely did travel
back through time, you’d materialize in 1970 where the Earth WILL be in
2036, which is NOT Earth.. it’s space.
Get it? You’d be dead. It’s impossible.
Answer this factoid, John, and I will believe you until the ends of the Earth.
Posted by Dan Rouse on 02-15-2001 07:54 AM
Ryan…couldn’t distance be expressed as a function of time?
If that’s true, is it not possible that a time warp implies a space warp?
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-15-2001 08:07 AM
Heather, Ernie and others.. I did leave it at that. Haha. I posted
my opinion. That’s all I was doing. For the record, I have answered
Ernie’s letter offline due to the length of the response, and the fact
that it is offtopic to a great extent, I did not post it here.
I have nothing against John Titor, Ernie or anyone else. I’m simply
trying to get to the bottom of the story. Unless, and until John comes
forward with more information, my opinion is formed and won’t change.
I did however, post pictures of his time machine (actually, I posted
the link where you can find them.. let me be more specific, I’ve never
seen this thing in peson, though I would like to see it).
If John wants a way to prove anything – which from his previous
posts he has stated he DOESN’T WANT TO DO – then I am more than willing
to look over his proofs. However – just because I were to look
something over gives no more meaning to the rest of you than it would
if one of you looked his stuff over, believed it then told ME.
You see.. we live in a time when we must see to believe. All of us.
I think the thread is very interesting myself. I think the guy that
called us Sheep is wrong and it is folks like HIM that completely close
off education and communication. *I* am not trying to do so. I simply
made some statements that I don’t believe John is “for real”. If he is,
I would love to know he is. However, so far, he hasn’t put enough
evidence forward. So… PLEASE continue the thread and learn, if you
can, the truth.
That’s all *I* want.
Posted by Ryan Murphy on 02-15-2001 08:08 AM
It would be impossible to calculate where the Earth would be, either 30 years ago or 30 years from now.
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 08:28 AM
Hi All
I can see why Mr. Titor enjoys this.
You guys are pretty passionate about your beliefs. Then again, that’s what its all about.
Going over a few of the posts, and I say that they are full of the
classical – “I find it hard to believe, therefore I declare it to be
impossible” – types of postulates. I can see the levels you are
defining, in some cases, – and I can see that they are encompassed in
possibilities you are not considering
—I find it very difficult to belive that a software tweak (hence
‘software engineers’, -software-) done to a 1975 machine could cause it
to do this translation more effectively or more portably than something
around even today. I find it almost impossible to believe that a tweak
done by a ‘software engineer’ in 1975 could provide for you something
that you could find at no other place between now and ‘your time’, and
certainly without having to make a stop-over in our time to get back
that far. —
Also, Ryan – I think John has provided some explanation regarding
how positionings are affected by the mass and gravity of known OBJECTS.
I would have to study the posts a little more carefully, though I would
say that the variables used in computing projected postionings, rely
heavily on detecting these known masses as opposed to trying to figure
out where they would end up in space (and time).
One of the first assumptions I would discard is that physics
suppositions are “either/or” proposals. My view (with a few years under
my belt), is that things work more fluidly than that.
In viewing the following models take into consideration that the
degrees I am talking about, are minuscule with respect to their effects
on human activity – that’s why the “10%-15%” divergence over some 60
years, sounds OK to me.
If you looked at a weather system of HIGH and LOW pressures, and
fronts, you would see isobaric “circles” that delineate common weather
areas. Correlate these fields, as local “areas” or “eras” of time.
Again the differences regarding how fast time “moves” in these
“circles”, would be slight and perhaps unnoticeable. They would be
enough, though, to provide “circles of common interaction” and
(significantly, I believe), would also provide some sort of common
playing field or “fabric” – for all the individuals within that area.
Moving into other regions or circles, would be fluid transistions (as
opposed to “either/or” transistions). I believe such a move would also
precipitate new experiences. You might then have to deal with, what
Terrence McKenna termed “DEGREES OF NOVELTY AND HABIT”. Moving into
other “topographical areas”, you would also have to “shift gears” …
your “sense of timing” would be a bit off, until you either found some
groove of activity that you could fall into, or until you could create
new ways of “being” and acting, to handle the new circumstances. The
effects of novelty could be noticed in little things like misteps and
mistakes, or unintended synchronicities that might seem to alter your
path. The effects of falling into normal routines would soon cause your
new environment to loose its “newness”.
Similarly, a geo-topological map (rings of altitudes) works the same in
depicting (minor) GRAVITATIONAL fields. Again, I would think the
degrees in gravitational differences, would be unnoticeably present,
though present non-the-less.
Within these geographical “circles” of time, and gravitational pulls,
people work out certain local and global destinies and intentions.
These then cumulate into cultural topologies.
Given this model, the “degrees of separation” can only have
extended effects depending on the interactivities of field compontents
(you and me, or even other living things). John’s interactions on these
boards probably have little effect on what’s going on in a small school
room in the Ukraine, or a in hospital grieving area outside of Tokyo,
at this very moment. They might have more of an effect on how you
handle you’re work day after spending a morning reading posts, though.
They might even have an effect on how a co-worker or fellow commuter
handles their evening after they’ve been around you.
Discussions regarding such potential realities do seem to be a good way
to get people to think – Its about time, after all <g>.
Posted by Lee Heggy on 02-15-2001 08:31 AM
It’s very possible to calculate such coordinates but you have to
have a reference point to start from that is static in relation to the
motion of the solar system and the rest of the universe. We know what
direction we are moving in. You merely have to plot the points along
that linear track. You would also want to be very careful and exact or
you would end up inside of a cow or worse.
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-15-2001 08:31 AM
Actually, Ryan, that isn’t true.
I can, given the right software not only calculate the specific
location of the earth 30 years ago, where it will be thirty years
Based on the presumption that the sun is sitting still you can calculate the precise location of the earth at any time.
Given that the above is not true – that is the sun is traveling
through space at several thousand miles per second, as well, as the
planets moving about it, and the entire arm of the galaxy in which we
reside is moving as well… it is more difficult, BUT not impossible.
As Captain Kirk once said to his crew after the battle with Khan,
“he is thinking in two dimensions only”… we are thinking in three
only. The fourth, time, is traveling away from us as precisely the same
rate as it was a few moments ago. Given this we can calcuate the exact
location based on several factors, knowing the current location of the
sun, the past location of the sun and then figuring the future location
of the sun.
Given this, we know that our Eart travels in an ellipse around the
sun at a given speed over 365.25 days per year. That tells us the Earth
will be in a specific location 30 years from now.
Personally, I’ve taken tracking programs meant for satellites and
calulated the projected location of Near Earth Asteroids several times.
If *I* can do it, certainly an advanced computer from the future can
figure out where we are now.
Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-15-2001 10:05 AM
How would someone that came here with no money all of the sudden
have plenty of money now? You could have brought the lowest
denomination coin of your time with a mint mark anywhere after 2001 and
probably convinced almost all of us. At least some people. It would be
hard to fake.
Posted by Simon Wiggins on 02-15-2001 10:35 AM
(1) Simply inscribe your knowledge of any large scale events
(disasters, discoveries, etc etc) over the next six months (there
should be at least one memorable example) into a text file.
(2) Encrypt said text file.
(3) Give text file to a custodian. I sure Art Bell would volunteer, he’s very interested in time travel.
(4) In six months time give Art the encryption key and he can reveal what you said.
Easy !
It doesn’t affect any timelines for that covered six months.
Art can’t peek, even if he wants to, which he probably would.
Posted by Matt Hagemeier on 02-15-2001 10:41 AM
Does anybody here remember Marc Wade from the old BBS board. He was
the first time travler, if I remember right, he talked of a future
solcialistic, self supporting society as well, a ww3, millions die, and
so on, but I can’t remember what time he said he was from.
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 11:12 AM
I also remember “The Sun Is Not Real” in which a poster had me in
stitches with his theory that the present sun was switched to a
holographic representation, in the late 70′s? early 80′s.
Posted by Randy Empey on 02-15-2001 11:40 AM
Mr. Murphy —
If you are standing still on the surface of the earth, does the earth move away from you as the years progress?
It is not neccesary to calculate and then adjust for the exact location
of the earth realitive to some static frame of reference like the
center of the galaxy or some magic ‘origin’ point. Everything is
relative. A TT blessed with a TT-device capable of traveling through
time while standing still relative to the earth wouldn’t have to worry
much about where the earth would be 30 years into the future — because
he and his device are already moving in such a way that he will be in
the same place 30 years down the time axis.
Of course this is assuming that einstien’s physics was at least
accurate enough for such purposes. That is yet to be proven, but it has
held strong for more than half a
century, as a general case.
But the reality that makes his theory seem to work makes you argument next to moot.
John T. —
Are we having fun yet?
How ’bout some philosophy.
What is your conception of the nature of reality?
Is it subjective or objective?
Is there one grand reality, or is it ‘to each his own’?
Do you think there are any absolutes? If so, in which contexts?
Things of that nature . . . has our understanding (on the level of society you fit into) changed in these respects?
Does sin exist?
What happens when you die?
Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera . . .
— Randy E.
P.S. — Personally, I don’t understand why it is so important to the
people who post here that they believe you . . . communications, such
that they are, make perfect understanding between individuals dicey at
best . . . how can I be sure that something that is in my ‘reality’ is
in yours? How can anybody be sure of anything? Keep thinking . . . and
perhaps, share your thoughts with those here which read first and write
Posted by Ernie Vega on 02-15-2001 11:45 AM
Hi all:
I’ve read Rick’s note and thank him for it. I have no animosity
towards Rick or anyone else. At the risk of being corrected I believe
Rick and I have worked out our difference of opinion. At least to my
bye for now
Posted by John Titor on 02-15-2001 12:07 PM
My Motive:
I’ve been in your time a bit longer than I had expected. My next
opportunity to go home comes in the spring. For most of my adult life,
I have read about, wondered and debated about this time. I value this
opportunity to share experiences. If you absolutely believed I was a
time traveler, with no skepticism whatsoever, then we would be unable
to communicate. The focus of our attention would then always be on the
machine. The experiences, opinions and reasons you do things are just
as valid as mine and just as different. I hope to return home with a
better understanding of why you think and believe the way you do.
Although I do understand the reasons for asking, I won’t gain from any
communication with you by spouting physics formulas and pop culture
predictions. Please do not assume I am purposely avoiding questions. I
am human, I get tired, and I forget things. Please, just remind me if I
missed a question and I will get to it.
I do have one tip though. If you want me to go over your post in detail
put, “Hey John, you’re a big Jerk.” at the end of the insightful and
logical part, not the beginning. In fact, maybe you could just
abbreviate it and put a number rating from 1-100 next to it so I know
how strong you feel. Something like, HJYABJ (78). It would save space.
The Physics of Time Travel:
As pointed out earlier, acceleration will produce time dilation.
This can be observed by the “twins paradox”. As one twin stays on
Earth, the other twin in his accelerating spaceship experiences a
slower passing of time. When he returns to Earth, he is noticeably
younger than his twin who aged normally in Earth time. This type of
“time travel” (should have been proven already on this worldline) with
atomic clock experiments. With sufficient power, this type of time
travel will only provide practical displacement in a future direction.
This type of time travel is also isolated to a single worldline. You
will not meet yourself.
As Einstein pointed out with his STR, the effects of gravity and
acceleration are the same. Therefore, you will experience the same time
travel effects in the twin paradox by being close to a large gravity
source. In the atomic clock experiments mentioned above, the reason
there was a difference in time was not because the clock in the plane
was moving, it was because the clock in the well was closer to the
center of the Earth. Constant speed is not acceleration.
The next step is to find a large gravity source to use in your time
machine. Static black holes provide this type of power. As one twin
approaches the event horizon or edge of the black hole, the other twin
will watch him as he appears to slow down. He will notice his twin’s
watch run slower until it stops at the event horizon. The twin moving
toward the horizon will notice none of this and see his watch running
just fine. Although possible, a trip into a static black hole will not
take you to another worldline and it’s one-way. The force of gravity
will crush you.
Fortunately, most black holes are not static. They spin. Spinning
black holes are often referred to as Kerr black holes. A Kerr black
hole has two interesting properties. One, they have two event horizons
and two, the singularity is not a point, it looks more like a donut.
These odd properties also have a pronounced affect on the black hole’s
gravity. There are vectors where you can approach the singularity
without being crushed by gravity. (For those interested in seeing a
graphic of a photon trip through a Kerr black hole, try here)
Another other more interesting result of passing through a donut
singularity is that you travel through time by passing into another
universe or worldline. Please see Penrose diagrams for Kerr Black holes
or you can examine the calculations of Frank Tipler.
So now the problem becomes….where do we find a donut-shaped singularity?
Steven Hawking proposed the existence of microsingularities that
were created in the big bang. They were probably about the size of a
proton and disappeared over the years due to an effect of radiation
evaporation. (Yes, black holes do emit energy.)
When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that
major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. Soon,
CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing
very fast and high-energy particles together. One of the more odd and
potentially dangerous items produced from this incease in energy will
be microsingularities a fraction of the size of an electron. (for those
who would like to follow the developments at CERN)
Through trial and error, and although they are quite heavy, hot and
capable of putting out a great deal of energy (300 – 500 megawatts),
it’s discovered that these microsingularities can be electrified and
captured. It is also interesting to note at this point that electrified
singularities also have two event horizons. By spinning these various
microsingularities, a localized Kerr field is created.
By using two microsingularites in close proximity to each other, it
is possible to create, manipulate and alter the Kerr fields to create a
Tipler gravity sinusoid. This field can be adjusted, rotated and moved
in order to simulate the movement of mass through a donut-shaped
singularity and into an alternate world line. Thus, safe time travel.
I will continue with the individual posts next. Thank you for your patience.
Posted by Ernie Vega on 02-15-2001 12:42 PM
Hi John:
Is this what I think it is?
Through trial and error, and although they are quite heavy, hot and
capable of putting out a great deal of energy (300 – 500 megawatts),
it’s discovered that these microsingularities can be electrified and
captured. It is also interesting to note at this point that electrified
singularities also have two event horizons. By spinning these various
microsingularities, a localized Kerr field is created.
It looks like a prediction. Is it.
Best regards,
Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-15-2001 01:04 PM
i would first like to state that i for one have never said you’re an
idiot – i said you are aggravating. which is not really a personal
problem w/yourself it is just how i perceive you to be. an adjective -
not a noun.
this sentence bothers me:
“Although I do understand the reasons for asking, I won’t gain from any
communication with you by spouting physics formulas and pop culture
so that’s what this is all about? you come here & want us to
“help” you by asking questions.. so you can figure out how -we-
percieve things & why we think the way we do but you do not
recipricate the efforts. you only discuss things that you care about or
that -you- think are important or that -you- think you will “gain”
something from. seems rather -one-sided- to me.
you say:
“The experiences, opinions and reasons you do things are just as
valid as mine and just as different. I hope to return home with a
better understanding of why you think and believe the way you do. “
so you return home w/a better understanding while we’re left here
w/the same questions we had before? it doesn’t seem very beneficial to
-us-..just to -you- (atleast from your statements).
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-15-2001 04:13 PM
If all the idealists who have traveled the path of confronting
sceptics, were laid end to end … ?they’d be better off that way?
Where are we in the universe BTW, irrespective of our relation to surrounding physical masses.
The galaxy, and us with it, is traveling at ~ 390 km/sec. The Local
Group, superclusters … and on out… how fast are they traveling?
With respect to what? Last time I looked at the moon there were no
strings attached either. It just sort of sits out there and whirs
around, kinda like we do… or at least as I do. Pretty trick, if’n
anyone’s asking.
John – Ever have any oldsters (60-80 year olds) come up to you and mention past correspondences?
Take Care All!
Posted by John Titor on 02-15-2001 05:06 PM
The following are personal rules I try to keep(unless of course they
conflict with my secret agenda). I look forward to discussing any
discrepancies you may find.
(1). I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge.
(2). I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability.
(3). I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future
actions by individual people or threaten their family and well-being.
Thank you for your persistence and patience. It would appear some of my
more sarcastic comments are directed at you. They are not and I
((so i am asking questions that can NOT be changed. someone can not
change the fact that “Girly G. Hottie” is the next big name in
Rule 3 – Your future is not unchangeable? Why couldn’t harm may
come to a person if I define them as someone who will do something in
the future? However, in this case, I just don’t know. I am not familiar
with pop culture in 2001.
((“keep an eye out for so-and-so..they will rise to fame.” or something like that. we couldn’t -change- that..))
I find this an interesting point you’ve made again. Why do you feel that would be unchangeable?
((Are you being obtuse about Bonnie’s inquiries for more personal
reasons? Her logic is pretty sound, and you’re avoiding discussing some
of the things that people naturally find curious about other
I very much want to discuss our cultures but please help me
understand how you won’t be able to change something I tell you
happened on my worldine.
((What kind of music is popular, what kind of recreation is enjoyable, what holidays are important…))
I’m not sure if you wanted to discuss these or not. If yes, I will be happy to do that.
((Do you feel some pleasure in breathing clean air and not having to check a geiger counter every few miles?))
Yes I do. However there is a fear about being here that I can only
define as uncertainty. When I walk around in 2001, the air smells clean
but I wonder if it really is. In 2036, there is no gray. The air is
either clean or it will kill you. That feeling is very overwhelming
when I eat here.
((Are there people in this time period who are hip (aware) of Time Travelers and who accept you as one?))
I have a very few precious relationships with people online who
accept me as real or crazy and don’t ask any questions. Much of my
email flows through them. My parents are the only ones that have access
to everything I could use to prove who I am.
((I would imagine there are folk in our time, who travel in different
circles (out of the mainstream), who have some money and/or some power,
and who know things that the rest of us do not. Are you, or others, in
touch with people like that? How ARE you financing things?))
I have taken very clever and reliable measures to go undetected.
Yes, there are probably people like that but I am not in active
conversation with them. My expenses are not that large. I spend a great
deal of time now archiving.
((I spotted few typing errors in Johns comments so I will assume that he has had an average education by our standards))
You must be energized and anxious to improve your education system then. Please tell me what you plan to do.
((1. Name the immediate political succeosor’s to George Bush and Tony Blair.)) – RULE 3
((2. Name any human being/animal/invention which became famous from
obscurity prior to today (This is really easy, just name anyone who
shot to fame for anything – provided they are completely unknown now,
and that it happens soon).) – RULE 2, RULE 3
((3. Name any near future shock event that makes history -
political assasinations, inventions, marriages etc, same rules – it
should happen soon with nobody having a clue it was about to happen
(exept maybe time-travellers).)
You mean other than the mad cow pandemic, the breakthroughs in
high-energy physics and the unknown functions of the 5100? I realize
I’ve only been on this board for a few weeks but I assume you’ve read
the other postings I’ve made about these issues months ago in order to
be so definitive.
((4. If you are older than 36 then there should be 2 of you here
right now. You would both possess the same basic fingerprints and DNA.
If you really want to prove your case then meet up with your younger
self and get some police evidence.))
I am with my younger self. I don’t have a case to prove and I
wonder how many needles I would be on the receiving end for that one.
With your superior education, I assume you already figured out that
pretty soon someone might try that with a clone. Be careful what you
take for definitive proof.
If he had a time traveler line open would you call in?
((How long will you be here in 2001? When are you going back?))
My first opportunity to go home is this spring.
((What all are you taking back with you?))
A lot of hard drives filled with books, archived web sites,
pictures and audio files. I’m also taking back family items that were
lost in the war.
((Is propane still around in the future?))
Yes but not very much of it comes from natural gas. Hydrogen is converted into propane because it’s easier to handle.
((I would hope that the paradise I live in would somehow be spared
(the Hawaiian Islands) but I suspect it would not be spared as a
strategic target for obvious reasons))
My parents went to Hawaii on their Honeymoon. My dad told me a
quick story about going to a fast food store and paying 6 or 7 dollars
for a hamburger. I got an image in my head of a huge tanker filled with
frozen hamburgers headed into the Pacific. Hawaii is very dependant on
the mainland for food….isn’t it?
Thank you for your kind words.
((Logically though the revelation of his TT ability still makes no
sense, as he could easily question people of this time and get all
sorts of info without revealing himself.))
Medium like the internet offer unique opportunities for
communication. When I return, I will be debriefed on my opinions about
how people in 2001 will accept time travelers.
((So that leads to the question why would he reveal himself if he has no stated aganda for doing so?))
I’m not sure I exactly said that.
((2. John came here to give somebody a “Back to the Future” type of
push so as to invent the Time Machine. (My opinion on this is that no
one needs to “invent” the TM because if is has been built in the future
then it has always been invented, and we are merely waiting for someone
to “discover” it. Just look back at most of the major advancements in
science, almost every invention of science already existed, it only
needed people to put it together.
About the only things humans have invented deal in the arts. Music etc.
This opinion comes from the “all times exist at once” theory.))
I find this one the most interesting. What do you think would
happen if the United States, China or Russia suddenly developed a time
machine and the rest of the world found out about it?
((…he does a maneuver that focuses the question back to the
receiver, as to have him think it’s been answered, and to shut him up.
(Which in fact, he just avoided answering it, by doing what he did). He
does this very often, and I’d just wanted to point that out before he
did it again.))
Hmmm….I am forced to admit I must rethink what I know about Mobius loops.
((1) Does the last name hubbard have any historical(is that the right term?) relevance?))
You may leave a message to yourself if you wish.
((2) What happens with Australia? does it play a major part in the war?))
I believed I wrote about Australia a bit earlier.
((3) What colloquial language is used in the future?))
Many people use the internet for communication and entertainment. I would say that affects our speech. We type very fast.
((4) What exactly happens to the water? does it get poisoned from radiation?))
Yes, radiation affected the water but that can always be distilled
out. There are biological hazards that cannot. In addition, fresh water
is hard to come by without talking to someone with a gun first.
((5) Have you actually met your parents? if so, what are their thoughts on you? ))
Yes. I am with them now. I would say it’s a combination of fear and relief.
((6) Does time have ends?))
Yes. It is believed that all worldlines end. It is also thought that
parallel worldlines that appear to be the same end at different times.
((7) Lets just say that people from the future are manipulating events
now, such as preventing a tragedy, making it never occur. If it never
occurred, no body would be sent back to stop it, which would mean that
the event does take place. This would lead to the prevention of it
happening again, and so on. What would happen in one of these
Based on my understanding of time, manipulation of your worldline
by future time travelers would have no affect on their original or home
worldline. If that is happening, it must be for a desired outcome or
result on your worldline only. If UFOs are time travelers, they plan on
reaping what they sew from you not their home.
((John, if you really did travel through time you’d be dead. You
have to take into account that the universe is expanding, the Earth,
the solar system and the galaxy are all moving. If you truely did
travel back through time, you’d materialize in 1970 where the Earth
WILL be in 2036, which is the vacuum of space.))
This is an excellent point and one I thought I went over a bit
earlier. There is a gravity lock system that compensates for the local
gravity outside of the Tipler sinusoid. This is the reason the unit is
only accurate to about 60 years.
((Specifically, you stated my questions were “rather specific” and
you’d be “love to discuss physics and happy to walk through the
operation (I assume of the machine)”. A few lines later you state
(after me saying you should know a hell of a lot more about the
machines you’re operating) that you do know much about it, but you’re
not willing to share it with everyone. So… which is it? Are you
willing to share information on the operation, a walkthrough of the
machine, time travel… or AREN’T YOU?))
I suppose I am thinking about the physics and the engineering as
separate subjects. I apologize for the confusion and I will be happy to
answer your questions more directly.
((I asked legitimate questions. They were ignored, then later, when I asked others, they were skirted.))
Perhaps we could just start over again?
((1) What role does Australia play in the war? You stated elsewhere
that they repulse a Chinese invasion – Does this mean Australian
government side with your enemy? (As I think I recall you stating that
they allied with your side + Russia… Could be wrong though.))
There were deep divisions in Australia also. I would associate it more with a powder keg than a civil war.
((2) Does intercontinental transportation still exist? If so, have you visited other countries?))
Yes, but the market is much smaller. No, I have not been overseas.
Page 12 on coming…
Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-15-2001 07:53 PM
What state do you live in now in 2001?
Is John Titor your real name?
What do you look like? Post a picture of your self.
What is your secret agenda?
Is this dialogue between people in these posts part of your secret agenda?
Does your younger self realize what you are?
Are you married?
What rank were you in the Army?
Where did you go to BCT?
What company were you with, and what year did you graduate from BCT?
You have any fears? If so, what are they?
What are the rules for fraternizing with people who aren’t from your time; do you make friends easily here in 2001?
What would the DOD do to you if they found you out?
What would you do if someone attempted to investigate you? Hundreds
of people go through these forums a day I’m sure. Some of which can be
government. Aren’t you at all worried that it’s only a matter of time
before you are found out?
And you said; “I very much want to discuss our cultures but please
help me understand how you won’t be able to change something I tell you
happened on my worldine.”
Can you elaborate further on the matter?
I appreciate you answering these questions for me John, and thank you for calling me your friend
-Javier C.
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-16-2001 08:00 AM
I want you to understand something – since you’re using our
discussions to make a determination of our thinking for when you go
back. Understand that I don’t think you’re a jerk, but I believe you to
be a “false time traveler” at this point. HOWEVER, I will say that you
took the time to post some information that DOES answer some of my
questions. Your disertation on physics (at least in a small way)
confirms a few things that I think are relatively accurate.
Are the pictures (at the URL I posted a couple days ago) YOUR
pictures of your time machine?
I’m going to help John answer a question that someone else asked. “What would the DOD do to you if they found you out?”
John would be grabbed by government federal agents and held
incognito until a determination could be made based on national
security. He certainly would be at risk of his life in “all
probability” because he IS (will be/was – put in any decriptors based
on tense you wish) a threat to national security in “our time”.
Here is why. John claims to come from a different time, our future
time actually. Even though it is perhaps a different time thread, or
time line, he could affect the outcome of our own future either through
active participation or negligent participation. In other words, Johns
actions could conceivable make a difference what happens. This is the
main reason he is following some very specific “non interference”
The very fact that John has made himself “visible” to the users
here makes him a target. Believe it or not – *I* work for the
government. I work in an area that, while my particular job has nothing
to do with this, am extremely interested in his statements. Yes – we in
the government DO watch for things like this. However, rest assured, if
I went to the security office and said “I have access to a time
traveler” I’d get laughed at. I’d have to get in touch with the “right
people” to “report” the incident, and even then the skeptics would over
rule the “believers”.
What this means is, even though John could be consider a national
security threat, he certainly is safer than even me, who works daily in
government facilities.
Now that I have admitted my “government participation” let me tell
you MY motive. Time travel. Afew days ago, someone sent me a copy of a
time travel ad. I was intrigued by this. The ad, mysteriously appeared
on Art Bells site last night. (Go there and look at it – you will see
precisely what I saw). I have drafted a letter indicating I’m
interested. Yes, I have my own weapons (and a family, grandkids and
kids ) but… if I had a chance to go back in time, I would take it.
Assuming I could get back. haha.
My problem is that I would “interact” I believe. I would find the
idea of interaction almost irresistable, which I would assume is one of
the things psychologists would have a problem with time travelers in
any case.
The US government… Russian or any other, would be in the same
boat. They would, if they could believe it, GRAB and hold time
travelers – checking the veracity of their stories and preventing them
from having any interaction with anyone.
Sound about right John?
I have a distinct feeling that I want to “believe” that John is
truly a time traveler. The reason is simple and probably selfish. I
have always said I want to live to see the ripe old age of 200. I MIGHT
make it to 150 given todays medical advancements. If so, I have around
107 years to go. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
I want to LIVE time though, I don’t want to go to the future and not be
able to get back to my family and friends. I want to see that something
so fantastic and so outlandish that it is science fiction right now,
come true.
Those are MY motives for being here, chatting about this.
Granted, there are deeper, more scientific discussions on other
boards and elsewhere in the scientific community, but they are “deeper”
than I wish to delve. John has given me at least that tiny hope that
somewhere out there, on some time line, someone will indeed do what
we’ve been believing all along.
So – John, my comments about being fraudulent – please don’t take
them seriously and please do not think I have anything against you
personally, nor wish to discredit you. I only want the honest truth.
If you tomorrow, said, Rick, this was an experiment in psychology,
writing, or fantasy – whatever, I would not be surprised. If I had a
way to prove you were truly a time traveler – that secret would be safe
with me (as would anything else you told me). See, I believe in
America, and I believe in Freedom.
I believe if you’re really what you say you are – then you’re a
hope for the future. Even if there is ‘civil war’ or nuclear war -
people like myself are already prepared for those things.
Whatever comes of this… best of luck in either your studies in psychology, time travel or writing.
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