Don’t get me wrong. I like the topic of time travel. Its been known
that every civilization that has had something new given to them, say
antibiotics, new medicine, or a new belief, has been known to
eventually destroy themselves. The same way if we ever met a alien not
from our Planet. This supposedly has happen, so has time travel. So,
the end result is because we were exposed to this, this civilization as
we know it, destroys itself. The same question in a form is still asked
If a human walks outside and there is a dark cloud overhead, the
human says “I think I will grab an umbrella, it may rain”. The other
human walking outside with the first human, says “You will not need an
umbrella, if no human exists, then no human will know that there was a
dark cloud overhead.” Which type of human are you, either one or both,
or most important, to answer to yourself, why? If we think that
humanity will destroy itself, then maybe our prophecy will fulfill
itself, if we think the other way, then John may be already be in an
alternate reality in a parallel universe in which case, the future as
he knows it never happens. It reminds me of the show with Jonathan
Burke about the book, “Connections”.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-02-2001 03:11 PM
Typing of “Connections”:
How can John assume that as dangerous humans on this Planet, we won’t
kart off his 500lbs. time machine, so we develop time travel by the
year 2036?
How can anyone go to jail for stealing a toy that was made in the future?
Do not worry, John, we will help get you back to your own reality
and own real parallel Universe, so you can travel back in time by the
year 2036. You may have to go through a few alternate realities and
parallel Universes, but you will get back to the future.
Any second of any minute of any hour of any day before you leave, we may interfere with your plans?
Do we fulfill any future prophecy by doing this, afterall we assume that we really are dangerous humans on this Planet?
I do not assume that it will be me who does this, it may be someone else, who can tell?
Posted by John Titor on 03-02-2001 03:14 PM
((Is spiritual awakening a difficult process; if yes, then why is it so difficult, and are we all capable of it?))
Personally, I believe spiritual awakening is difficult. Why? I
think God wants us back but the road we have to haul is no picnic.
Maybe he’s a little angry for some reason.
I think the world is seductively clever in its presentation. “It” wants
us to stay here and it distracts us from God by creating want, greed
and four or five other motivations. Our goal should be to; yes, have
faith and do good deeds but also look past that and have the wisdom and
knowledge to realize that this place, this world, this universe is not
really our home. The question I ask myself is not can I get to God,
it’s am I prepared for what will it be like when I get there.
((There are plenty of great mysteries, but if your only aim its to ‘get to God’, it is not necessary to solve them.))
I mean mysteries not of this world. For example: I suspect that the
final thing we will have to give up to get to God is our free will. Do
you think many people will be standing at the pearly gates saying “yes”
to that one if they had a choice to come back here?
((What do you see for the future of TT in your world-line?))
That’s a good question. I am hopeful that one day when we get the
planet cleaned up it will be a nice place to live on again and no one
will want to leave it. On the other hand, if time travel were
commonplace right now, I think a great many people would leave and
perhaps never return. There is also a suggestion that time travel might
make an interesting punishment. However, I don’t think we have the
right to force criminals on unsuspecting worldlines and sending them to
the Stone Age might be a bit much.
((I had met someone, a year or so ago, who said he was from the year
2036 also. He said something happened to make this travel all the more
possible. He gave me some details, I wonder if they are the same as
Although not impossible, I doubt there is another time traveler
here from 2036. I have been chatting on and off for quite a while and
in other chatrooms. I have also seen and heard about other people who
have taken a creative license with some of the things I’ve said and
posted. It might have been me but I’ve never heard of the DNE.
((John,thank you for sharing,I find this fasinating.wanted to ask,
has California,had”the Big” earthquake,in your time and has any of the
north Coast disappeared?..also, I really do wish that you could be a
guest on Art’s show,I am sure it would be enjoyable…thanks
The big one? As you are experiencing now, there are earthquakes,
storms and other unfortunate surprises from Mother Nature that have
impacts on your society and future history. That is one reason I won’t
go into detail. However, don’t worry too much about major portions of
coastline slipping under water.
I do enjoy Art’s show very much and I must admit I’ve been surprised
more than once by some of the things I’ve heard. I’ve seen reference to
other “time travelers” that Art has spoken with and I realize his
credibility (and ability to have an entertaining program) is at stake
when he talks to someone making such extreme claims. As you all know, I
think skepticism is good.
I enjoy talking to you too. Thanks for the enlightenment.
CRAIG on page 20:
Posted by Barbara Clements on 03-02-2001 07:51 PM
John, all kidding aside, an extremely important thing; do they ever get around to making any new Aeon Flux episodes?
Posted by Lynne Lynch on 03-02-2001 07:57 PM
Just a couple of questions for you,
1. Can you say if the Geon will be ever be revealed at all in the future?
2. What do Guinea Pigs eat in your time frame?
Posted by Pamela Moore on 03-03-2001 12:07 PM
I was thinking about what you wrote here in your previous thread:
“”…There is also a suggestion that time travel might make an
interesting punishment. However, I don’t think we have the right to
force criminals on unsuspecting worldlines and sending them to the
Stone Age might be a bit much. “”
Whoa! now there is a thought.
putting criminals back in time for punishment.
What if you put a repeat offender rapist back in the stoneage, or even further….before man.
And he started mating with everything he could find.
His first target would probably be the apes since there would be no other humans around.
He might even create a half-ape/half-man being.
Which might alter entire belief systems when they dug up the bones later. Leading people to believe we came from apes.
How’s that for creative thinking???? hahaha
What if he left footprints? or worse yet…a shoe print?
Putting angry criminals back in time is probably not a good idea. could you imagine the consequences??
hmmmm, I think I know what you mean now by no absolute truths when dealing with time travel….things could always change.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-03-2001 03:12 PM
Okay, the US has social problems. Every country does, including
Russia. Its not a debate to be that War in any form can be avoided.
Let’s take the scenarios that John lays out. A Civil War needs a leader
first. How is this done? By groups hanging out in the invisible. Maybe.
The Congress and President drafts everyone it can, the military takes
over at first, marshall law can be declared. What happens, leaders take
over, and the President is still left free to perform other duties like
monitering Russia. Russia supposedly attacks. How limited is the
nuclear war. First it must be defined. Any kind of debate concludes
that you are assuming that some form of life exists when it is all
over. How many missiles is limited? 150 missiles. How many get through?
Einstein used a thought experiment, or imagined relativity. We shoot
most of the missiles down, so does Russia, China does not. Little wars
start all over the World. North and South Korea, India and Pakistan.
Use nuclear missiles. The US may bomb Iraq. Now how many missiles are
flying totally. Over 500 about. That may be just enough to end life on
this Planet. The oceans heat up, the water recedes from ultraviolet
radiation from the Sun. The Polar Caps start melting, the oceans go up.
The magnetic pole of the Earth shifts, it goes too far. The Earth
starts moving off it spin axis, resulting in more destruction.
Earthquakes now take place, the atmosphere depletes letting water vapor
out into space. The land starts going under the water level. Animals
turn on humans.
Elephants drop over, trample things. On and on, all because humans
could not imagine what the result would be of even a limited nuclear
war. Would humans survive this? I do not want to find out. There’s seem
to be an emotion about having a limited nuclear war, that humans would
survive, it still takes thought processes. Whatever they are feeling
for that emotion is nothing that I want to be around. I am not their
slave. The result, life ends even if it takes just a little longer.
Posted by Emmett “Darby” Darbyshire on 03-03-2001 09:35 PM
Banishing criminals to the past – an interesting thought.
I’m glad that there seems to be no evidence that that has happened. As
it happens, “criminals” are my business and have been so for the past
thirty-three years.
I’d have some very strong objections to sending them into the Stoneage
(or any other prior age for that matter). As it happens, there truly
isn’t a strong correlation between low intelligence and criminal
behavior. Criminals tend to be less educated but do possess at least
average intelligence. If we were to send them into the past we’d create
a timeline where “modern” ingenuity and “modern” man appear in (circa)
10,000 BC…thus no Stoneage. Even with a limited education the
banished would introduce the technical skills of their chosen trades
into that age (criminals really do have work skills – even skills that
qualify as “expert” by our standards.) It gets worse if you send them
into a “pre-human” era. By fiat you have re-defined “pre-human” to
exclude that period from being “pre-human.”
OT area:
I still see no practical applicability for time travel to our
experience. If it turns out that string or bubble theory is true then
time travel is possible – but the “place” traveled to has no connection
to our reality. And a successful return trip from another bubble or
string is tenuous at best. One would have no way of verifying that the
timeline to which they returned was the same timeline from which they
left. If it turns out that there is but one unified timeline, then any
meddling with the past (i.e. time traveling) ends causality on the
timeline from the instant of the Big Bang and renders the timeline
untenable – that is, it precludes the formation of our universe. (The
reason for positing that causality ends at the instant of the Big Bang
is the result of contamination. If time travel is possible in a
non-string/bubble reality then the time line has the entirity of
eternity for time travelers to contaminate the whole of the time line.
Causality fails at all instants on the time line and it collapses
before it forms. A macro-singularity of mass-energy & space-time,
as it were.)
Frankly, I’m probably no different than anyone else who logs onto
the Time Travel threads. Thinking about, fantasizing about and
pondering the significance of time travel is fascinating. This facet of
modern theoretical physics and philosophy is the cutting edge of
critical thought.
I suppose that time travel is so fascinating for me because everyone
who poses an opinion is potentially correct – without exclusion. If
time travel can be accomplished then it will be accomplished. Because
our timeline appears to be one where cause and effect are directly
related then it would appear that string-bubble reality is proved in
that context. Our four dimensional view of reality is one (of an
infinite array of possibilities) where cause precedes effect. That may
not be true of other timelines.
Posted by Bob Marz on 03-04-2001 06:51 AM
RE: Getting back to one’s own time
I assume as we get to the final touches of engineering time travel we
will devise a system to ensure a return trip. Analogous to bringing
along a ball of twine and letting it out, or, as Hansel and Gretal did,
drop breadcrumbs along the way to follow back, or, as spelunkers do
sometimes, tie down an anchor point and explore on the tether.
There will have to be a fixed starting point that the electronics
can follow back. Or some sort of electronic marker or “fix” will be
referenced before the trip starts. This means, of course, more
sophisticated computers than that old IBM box that John uses (or gear
that works in conjunction with it).
Posted by Pamela Moore on 03-04-2001 02:54 PM
Got a message back from Doc. John’s images are back up.
He said he did some study on the problem, and it seems that Geocities
is blocking links from other servers that attempt to access their
He said he put tto’s images on his comteck server for right now until
he can find another one. The pics work on the forum now despite
interferance from geocities.
I knew Doc would find a way! hurray DOC!
[Edited by Mary Rowland on 03-05-2001 at 12:07 AM]
Posted by E. Robert Gonzalez on 03-04-2001 03:35 PM
I have been a temporal researcher for at least two years now and
mostly studied radionic forms of time travel. I personally have not yet
used one of the devices but have heard stories and evidence leading me
to think they work. I was also wondering if you have heard of any of
the radionic and Steven Gibbs devices. I have had a possible encounter
with my future self that I can only characterize as being very strange.
He knew all my most personal thoughts and convinced me over a period of
about a year that he was me or atleast someone who knew me very well.
Apparently he came from an alternate time line like you, and his motive
seemed more like an informational one to me. It appears at some point
in time I might time travel although I’m not sure. What he told me
somewhat corresponds to what you say and that’s what scares me. I was
hoping maybe it was just a future in another universe much different
from ours and that my future would be some what peaceful and good to
live in. I now see a picture of a world that is war torn and hard to
live in. At first I was skeptical and then accepted you as being a true
time traveler with all the evidence and stories you put forth. I hope
to maybe send a comment to my future self and ask a couple of
questions. I would like to tell my future self this message: “Never
forget Echelon Group and the ones you love you most, keep strong and
don’t give up.” If his time line is anything like mine, he’ll know what
I mean. It’s just something to keep his spirits up. Now for some
questions, is it possible that I some how help any areas of time travel
or get noticed in the future (Maybe recognize my name)? Do most of the
people of that time die out, especially ones that currently have health
problems? Is it possible that sometime in your future or in your
present time that time travel will be common place? Have any of the
scientists of your time discovered any new planets, possibly ones with
life? Has the bandwidth of the internet increased greatly? And finally,
one last question…how did Texas fare during the war (If you can
answer)? Thanks for your time…I hope maybe I can e-mail you or maybe
I can e-mail you some how and talk for awhile.
[Edited by E. Robert Gonzalez on 03-04-2001 at 03:41 PM]
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 03-04-2001 03:44 PM
- – - “Craig on Page 20″ ….What comes after that??? LOL
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 02:02 AM
E. Robert Gonzalez,
I take it by your last name that your Spanish, am I right? I noticed
from your post that you believe John’s claims, that he’s actually a
bona-fined Time Traveler. You know, once I asked John a very similar
question to the one you just asked him. “Am I deeply involved in a Time
Travel project?” Knowing already the answer to that question, he
answered me by saying that he didn’t know me. And that if he did, he
wouldn’t tell me.
To everyone:
I just wanted to emphasis to the whole public viewing these posts that
John still has not made it clear what his secret agenda is. To allow
our minds to accept what he says to be true, we accept the very
immorality of his secret agenda, whatever it may be.
He is a Time Traveler, most of you people believe. Do most of you also
believe that he is sincere in everything he says? Yet you forget that
he said he would take people back with him.
I know that some of you wanted to volunteer. Yet John lied, and now
your faith in him is still strong, adjusting accordingly to keep his
ideals true. Why am I the only one bringing this up, questioning him?
Maybe because I don’t believe him, and because I won’t be disappointed
like some of you if I find out he isn’t a Time Traveler. Reminds me of
the Heaven’s Gate movement all over again.
That’s pathetic isn’t it? I know that some of you want to admit it;
you’re in the closet, thinking it over. Whether he truly is, or isn’t.
You still have that doubt that refuses to answer. You have a voice…
don’t be afraid of using it and taking leadership.
Somebody has to be on the opposing side, am I to believe that I am the only one?
John has many followers on his side; there is no doubt about that. But do you know what you are actually following?
He has put his younger self in danger of someday being found out and
exploited by our government. He has exploited the opportunity of using
the past to rowdy up events for some secret agenda he claims to have.
Saying he will video tape his departure, completely irresponsible of
its repercussions. Just to name a few.
The choice is ours people; our future is what we want it to be. Do
most of you want a future where Time Travel is a way of life? I know I
don’t, because how would you feel knowing that your life is not yours
to dictate, but mainly what the future wants it to be.
I wouldn’t dare think of exploiting the past, to benefit in some
event in the future. That goes against my ethics. Obviously, some of
you will have no problem with that, and ruin it for the rest of us.
Gee, thanks a lot.
Sincerely yours,
Javier C.
Posted by John Titor on 03-05-2001 06:06 AM
((He is a Time Traveler, most of you people believe. Do most of you
also believe that he is sincere in everything he says? Yet you forget
that he said he would take people back with him.))
Could you do me a favor and point out exactly where I made that
offer? I do recall a few people asking what it would be like but I
don’t believe I ever offered to take people back.
J.C., a few days ago on Art’s show, I heard Art make refrence to
someone named J.C. who was very persistant in calling the show when
ever the subject of time travel came up. If it’s you, I admire your
Also, what happened to your “time cop” thread?
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 03-05-2001 07:18 AM
Gooten Tag – one and all.
I’ve just spent the worst weekend. Wish I could go back in time and correct it.
Albert: First I want to address some things you said, but not your entire message. I’ll try to keep my comments brief.
“Let’s take the scenarios that John lays out. A Civil War needs a
leader first. How is this done? By groups hanging out in the invisible.
There are already very, very large militia groups that formed
around the time of the last elections. In fact, the NRA is being
considered a ‘militia group’ by some now. It grew by millions prior to
the elections – mainly due to direct attacks on the right to keep and
bear arms. Organizations such as the Militia of Montana have gained
hundreds of members in recent weeks. There are others, that are larger.
There are leaders, there are invisible groups that even I don’t know
about (and I keep track of who’s who in the militia arena – for
personal reason, nothing related to my job).
“The Congress and President drafts everyone it can, the military
takes over at first, marshall law can be declared. What happens,
leaders take over, and the President is still left free to perform
other duties like monitering Russia. Russia supposedly attacks. “
If and when Martial Law is declared – that will be the straw that
breaks the camel’s back. The current President KNOWS this, and CLinton
knew it too. I surmise from his last actions (the pardons for instance)
that he felt the timing wrong for declaring martial law and would have
if he thought he could have remained in office. Many of the groups I
mentioned before were braced for precisely that event. They are braced
for martial law. The biggest thing is that if martial law is declared,
some believe UN forces will be brought in to suplement US forces. Why?
Because foreigners do not have qualms about shooting americans. Keep
that in mind if things start looking like they are moving toward that
sort of thing.
John – can you… confirm from your point of view any of that? (Nothing specific there obviously).
“How limited is the nuclear war. First it must be defined. Any kind
of debate concludes that you are assuming that some form of life exists
when it is all over. How many missiles
is limited? 150 missiles. How many get through? Einstein used a thought experiment, or imagined relativity. We shoot
most of the missiles down, so does Russia, China does not. Little
wars start all over the World. North and South Korea, India and
Pakistan. Use nuclear missiles. The US may bomb Iraq. Now how many
missiles are flying totally. Over 500 about. That may be just enough to
end life on this Planet. The oceans heat up, the water recedes from
ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The Polar Caps start melting, the
oceans go up. The magnetic pole of the Earth shifts, it goes too far.
The Earth starts moving off it spin axis, resulting in more
destruction. “
Obviously, all of this is supposition on both our parts. However, I
agree with you about the “smaller wars”. As far as how many get
through… right now, all of them. Life will exist when it is all over.
You know why? Because there have been many, many “Ice Ages” throughout
our geological history. There have been at least 5, (I believe 6) major
extinctions already in the history of our planet. Each time a major
extinction has occurred the dominate life forms were destroyed, and yet
life continued to survive, then thrive and finally a new, dominate life
form took over. Each obviously more intelligent than the last.
The last two involved dinosaurs and other higher lifeforms, and man
is the latest incarnation of dominate lifeform on this planet. Man is
capable of total destruction of this world if man does so.
“There’s seem to be an emotion about having a limited nuclear war,
that humans would survive, it still takes thought processes. Whatever
they are feeling for that emotion is nothing that I want to be around.
I am not their slave. The result, life ends even if it takes just a
Emotion is the main ingredient in any war, regardless of whether or
not it is nuclear or conventional. People get mad, they fight, they
argue and eventually they go to war as a
group/country/nation/race/religion/etc. The thought processes change
radically from “let’s get along” to “those BASTARDS” to “let’s kill
them all” and then back to a very organized thought process of how best
to kill the enemy.
But, the part that precipitates a war takes very little effort or
thought on the part of the antagonists. They simply let their emotions
take over. When it gets too far, war starts and after the beginning of
the war – the thoughts turn to killing, not how to get out of the war.
Nuclear weapons are the ultimate device with which to put a stop to
a war. As such they won’t be used until they are deemed absolutely
necessary. But, once a war begins, the possibility exists, and as low
as the probabilities might seem, they are always much higher than any
of us believe.
As we can see from this forum alone, the human mind grabs hold of
ideas that are on the fringe and believes them. But thoughts that are
scary, deadly and even point to the real truth about humanity (how bad
and evil people can be if they want) we try to deny those
possibilities. We do not wish to believe that the human race is capable
of some of the evil that we’ve seen in the past.
So – we try to deny it. My point throughout this forum, to everyone
including you and Javier is that even if you do not BELIEVE in
something, do not believe it can happen, you STILL MUST keep your mind
open to the possibilities because then you are forewarned. Forewarned
is forearmed.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 08:38 AM
That didn’t stop you from having people believe it. You could have
come forward and made a public announcement to get it straight with
people the first time. And now finally you say you never said it. What
not say that the first time I brought it up too?
My guess, is that I out-witted you, and now you finally found a come back
Your guess is as good as mine on the thread. I have no idea where it
went to. Perhaps it’s the J.C. that’s calling Art’s show. Maybe it’s a
future me, who took it down to minimize speculation.
Knowing how I am, I know that I will not rest until I bring Time
Travel Violators to justice. So maybe there is a high chance that it
could be me. Why, scared John? You sounded nervous to me.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-05-2001 09:20 AM
I leave the Mr. Time Traveler, and all, a parting gift. The meaning
of life is explicit, the questions are not. Whether John’s future is
true or not, whether any possibility exists, whether foreigner will
kill citizens of the US. The answers were always there, written by
other people long ago thinking about life.
Written by Thomas Jefferson, June 1776, :
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one
people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with
another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and
equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle
them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends,
it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely
to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate
that governments long established should not be changed for light and
transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than
to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are
accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing
invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off
such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. —
Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now
the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of
The thinking has all been done, still the questions will always be
asked. What is the meaning of life? There a glimpse of it from Thomas
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 03-05-2001 09:39 AM
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing
invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off
such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. —
Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now
the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of
government. “
My point was, and still is that because of this document, because
our government is self-governing, because the people control the
outcome and not some entity called “government” there is and always
will be, as long as the Constitution exists in its present form… the
possibilities that those “in power” will make mistakes, either
accidently or purposefully, and those accidents will lead to nodes in
This “node in time” is what I call the various crossroads where, if
a certain incident had not occured then other, larger events would not
have occurred.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 03-05-2001 10:21 AM
Very nicely put Albert. I agree with Thomas Jefferson. We must do
something. The way things are going, lots of people are just letting
the government do things to us. No body takes enough of a stand anymore
in matters of the government taking away our rights, our freedom. Look
at the picture our resident Time Travel painted for us. We can’t do
jack in his Time Line. And to make matters worse, Time Travel is a way
of life to their government and people, and for what hidden agenda?
I’ll bet you’ll have some very interesting stories to tell your government about us when you go back John
What will your report entitle? That you weren’t prepared for the year
2001, and that you had information about your time device leak out?
It’s true; you stated you weren’t ready for the year 2001, who knows
what things you could have done different had you been ready.
Posted by Albert Cattoir on 03-05-2001 11:23 AM
And in conclusion, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress
in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered
only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by
every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free
Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We
have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to
extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of
the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have
appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured
them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations,
which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence.
We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our
separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in
war, in peace friends.
The US is backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
I think its safe to assume that the people who bought and paid for
these weapons of mass destruction may well know what to do with the
Devil as soon as I get there, or him, or her.
No, these weapons do not make the World safe, but I do know where
I might be going, afterall: “How can God allow a person into Heaven
even if that person is praying for forgiveness while still socking it
to that place when whoever shows up down there, well maybe?
Is a further question maybe, are humans ever at Peace?
Posted by John Titor on 03-05-2001 11:32 AM
((What music do 20 year olds listen to.))
People listen to all types of music. A great deal of it is
available over the web. I would also add that people spend much more
time making their own music.
((What’s the future of cloning.))
Cloning full people has been determined to be medically and
ethically unsound. We do have research and progress in cloning body
parts and creating more viable sperm and egg production.
((Any more on Bill Gates? ))
Not really. Just curious, why is he of such interest?
((Do people wear chips yet?))
No. People value their personal independence and ability to take care of themselves.
((Are you a marked man?))
Not that I’m aware of.
((I would still like to know what population makes a city big.))
Cities become targets because of their military and economic value.
Any large area supported by a civil infrastructure is likely to be on
that list.
((Your time sounds grim. Are you tempted to deliver your computer to 2036 and then retire in the 1970′s? ))
Not at all. I’m anxious to get home.
((What did you think about those commercials?))
I think those commercials capitalize on other people’s misery and
misfortune in an attempt to sell a product. I can understand coming up
with an idea like but what confuses me is how does it get past that
stage? How do people sit in a room around a large conference table and
agree that leaving a critically injured person lying in the snow is
funny and will sell cell phones?
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