Waco, Ruby Ridge and Elian exist in your news archives. Telling you
about impending place crashes or other disasters (provided I could give
you exact dates and times) may save lives at one point but cause
cascading changes that take others at a later point.
I enjoy the posts because it’s very hard to remain safe and have a
conversation. I have often seen the classic question, “why don’t time
travelers revel themselves’? That’s easy, if you believe us, you’ll
drug us into oblivion and put us in a small dark cell while men in
white lab coats take a Phillips head screw driver to the magnetic lock
on the singularity drive housing.
I will examine the web site you mentioned. I believe the 5100 is
unique in its ability to run assembler language on the 360-machine
platform and still be portable. I’m not sure if that fact was ever made
public so it’s the best “proof” I have. I would like to examine the
software you mentioned; perhaps I can further justify my side-trip.
Yes, EMP took out a great number of electronic devices. That’s one
of the reasons why we don’t have reliable technology laying around.
However, in the opening hours of N Day, the Russians did not launch any
high altitude detonations. They knew we would most likely clean up
after them so they wanted everyone outside the cities to be able to
communicate. Most of the warheads that hit the cities came in threes
and exploded close to the ground. The heavy EMP damage was isolated to
those areas.
Actually, you will probably be quite impressed with our internet.
It’s based on a series of independent, self-powered nodes that are
mobile and can be put up anywhere. It looks a great deal like your
current cell phone system.
Posted by Walt Moss on 02-11-2001 10:35 AM
1.What is your opinion of Revelations in the New Testiment,Do you feel it related to the coming War?
2 Are you familiar with the Fatima Prophesies and were these achieved?
3. You mentioned earlier (I don’t know if it were hypothetical)
that you were sent to change something here in 2000 or 2001, were you
succesful? and if you were it has already happened so could you go into
detail as to what you did.
4. Was there an Antichrist, and was he part of the EU.
Thanks for responce
Posted by Brett Fredrico on 02-11-2001 02:53 PM
I don’t know if you have answered this yet, but how did you learn
about Art Bell? Is AM still mostly talk radio in your time? Lastly,
what more do you know about UFOs and those pesky greys?
Posted by Angel Lynnn on 02-12-2001 12:42 AM
I have been reading the posts about you and your travels tonight and am facinated.
Thank you so much for posting here and answering our questions.
I wish you peace and happiness.
I would really like to know if hand made items are popular or liked in
the year 2036. Are people still knitting and crocheting with their
I am an avid crocheter and I’m very curious about this. I make hats, scarfs, purses, rugs, dish cloths, towels, etc…
Maybe you need a break from the IMPORTANT questions and you could indulge me…………
Thank you, John for being you.
Angel Lynnn
Posted by Kennith Viccars on 02-12-2001 09:20 AM
Just read through this thread and found it very interesting.
I just had a couple questions…
I’m from Calgary, Canada. What part will Canada have in the War?
Specifically western Canada, should I get out and move to Fiji ?
Do you think it’s very smart to be talking to people online?
I mean anyone could get your ip, with a few connections find your
address and locate you. I know for a fact that a few “men in black”
read this board. If they thought for a second that you were for real,
they would be on your ass so fast, and your “Time Machine” would be in
the hands of the US military my friend.
I’m about 99.9% skeptical, but I do like the odd sci-fi story, and
enjoy your writing. I don’t pity you for trying to convince the
gullible hordes that flock this board. Everybody needs to feel
“wanted”, and we all like to feel “special”. If this is your way of
getting attention, I have no problem with it, no ones getting hurt.
Thx John.
Posted by Don Hackman on 02-12-2001 09:23 AM
I have put all my accounts in order and bought rebreathers etc. as instructed and have sent you all our credit cards.
Are you sure the 1/2 life of the radioactive fallout from WWIII is now / then safe in 2038 ? Should I bring tin foil?
Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-12-2001 09:27 AM
please forgive me if you have already responded to a similar
question – but i am a very curious person & can not wait to ask
this..just incase i forget.. my question:
you say that you can not tell us when something of very little
historical importance occurs.. because we may alter/change something
& look to you as a phsycic of some sort. perhaps, you could mention
something that will happen very soon after you’ve just left. no one
will be able to contact you so what could they possibly change and/or
ask you about? as someone has suggested: over time periods certain
types of music run to the forfront of our society. in the early 90′s it
was grunge.. now it seems to be the bubbly pop teen sensations, i.e.
backstreet boys & britney spears.. you couldn’t even answer the
simple question of what will be the next ‘movement’ in music? just
something so simple as that.. couldn’t possibly have some profound
affect on the future? & especially for just the people on this
board..i have my doubts that they’d run out & “do something” about
the fact that acid jazz (for instance) is the next big musical hit..
know what i mean?
more questions: dunno if you’ve been asked this, but what are the areas
least affected by the ww3 bombings ..you will probably not be able to
answer that.. just going to see if you will anyway. another thing i
wanted to mention was that even though you think because of one small
thing you say may affect the future greatly, i assure you that 90% of
the people.. will not take it seriously. so if you said: “the eastern
shore will be most affected.”..i doubt that in 2012 everyone will swarm
to the west. of the large population our world has.. it is very small
in comparison to the population of -this-board-.. & our country is
full of skeptics (which i’m sure you’ve realized).. so even if 100
people said “the eastern shore will not be affected.. a traveler from
the future -said so-!!!”.. maybe 1 or 2 people would actually believe
them. i think the affect you think you’d have..is not as large as it
really would be.
another: have you visited your -past- family? what city were you
born in/grew up in? could you even say that so-and-so.. *an unknown
person in today’s history*..”will be a big star”..etc..?
just curious
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-12-2001 09:45 AM
I’ve read this entire forum through twice now.
What I find fasinating more than John’s Time Traveling, are the
people who seem to be attacking him. Now, I “believe” that Time Travel
is possible – and I think there is plenty of physics evidence for this.
So – perhaps the word “belief ” is really not the correct word.
I have a couple of questions for John as well, so if you can answer these John, I would appreciate your answers.
1) Once a microsingularity is produced and placed in statis in a
magnetic field, what is the approximate strength of that magnetic
2) How is the magnetic field produced (I mean – what power source holds the field in place)?
3) What would happen to the microsignularity if that source FAILED?
For instance would the microsingularity begin to grow? Or would it
cease to exist?
In relation to my first comments about folks attacking John’s
veracity – I have to say that John’s stories/statements DO hold water.
The folks that chose not to believe him are welcome to do so, but, you
do not have to “save anyone” from themselves or John. I believe most of
us are intelligent enough to determine for ourselves if there is any
kind of fraud. Even if there IS fraud, I personally am impressed with
the background. It is well thought-out and consistent so far.
John has stated several times that what he says will not affect us,
or him, and what we say will not affect him whatsoever. I have to take
that to mean that even if he DOES tell you something here, it will NOT
affect HIS timeline, since there is some deviation from his actual
timeline here. In other words, John is NOT the same John he is visiting
now, as his 3 year old self. His mom and dad are NOT his REAL mom and
dad in his time line. We are NOT the same PEOPLE IN HIS TIME LINE.
Therefore, John (and none of you could do this either) can NOT tell
us anything about our current timeline with any great accuracy that can
be verified.
Think about it.
Rick Donaldson
Colorado Springs
Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-12-2001 09:53 AM
another thing i do not understand.
you said in a previous post:
“I am no more able to affect your worldline than you are. Yes, I
could make the changes you suggested but you must remember that there
are an infinite number of worldlines out there where I didn’t and I
don’t. In fact, there’s even a worldline out there where you’re the
time traveler and I’m the one writing the question.
I think the war would be good for you and your society. I don’t want to stop it.
Nothing I do here will affect any other worldline. “My” original
worldline will always be the same and yes I can make changes here that
would make this worldline different from mine but so can you.”
from this i suppose that you mean, that yes, you could &
possibly have affected our ‘worldline’.. & our worldline is
different from -your- worldline.. if this is true then why do you keep
telling us about the ww3..etc.. how do you know that will even -happen-
in our worldline? it may have already been nipped in the bud for all
you know..because ours is a different -worldline- from yours!
another thing i wanted to respond to:
“(2). To me it would seem obvious that we both have a very
different perspective on what’s important right now in 2001. I would
think that’s what makes our interaction interesting. Would I be anymore
believable if I told you I had just stopped a horrible event and you
won’t hear about it because it didn’t happen? Again, this is the second
time it has come up and I am very curious. Why would you expect a time
traveler to know or care about what happens in Hollywood or some
individual companies profits? You seem to think I have tomorrow’s paper
in front of me. Is that what time travel means to you? “
i understand what you’re saying .. why would you care what happens
in hollywood..etc.. or individual companies profits.. what you’re
basically saying is you just don’t remember (or maybe you do..but you
won’t tell us?).. why would you care? if you asked anyone today who,
for instance: marilyn monroe is.. we would all know.. or who bill gates
was & what he did for computers – we would all know. you’re
insinuating that you don’t know &/or don’t care about any of these
things in the future. perhaps so..but how could you POSSIBLY not know
who the next big inventor is.. or what the invention is. you claim that
if you told us.. we could alter it & keep it from happening. how
many people do you think will be SO concerned that a -mega-super-razor-
that keeps all facial hair gone for 20 days (for example).. that they
want to go & stop the inventor from inventing it? & also you
said, you’d be gone by the time the ‘good stuff’ happens.. ok.. isn’t
that -further- better for your point..in that you say it’s better to
have us be skeptics rather than sheep? well if you told us “in 2 years,
there will be an earthquake in israel”.. & you were gone by
then..all we could do is say, “wow, that guy on the board in 2001 said
this would happen! he was real!”.. we couldn’t -do- anything.. we
couldn’t STOP the eartquake & i doubt anyone would go there &
tell everyone to evacuate (and even if they did, no one would!).. it
would just prove that you were -true- & existed. i can’t fathom why
you can not speak of something such as that..
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-12-2001 11:14 AM
John – Another question suddenly came to mind. I asked before about
the microsingularities. Are they used to create the “rotating tipler
cylinder” somehow through the axis of your time machine? All matter
within a certain distance is then pushed (somehow) along a
time-dilation type trip in time, forward or backward.
Is this about right? I’m betting that (assuming this is real) the
microsingularities are used to create the infinite length aspect of the
tipler cylinder which appears to be required for this time function
change to occur. The aspect of rotating microsingularities (MS from now
on) means that some sort of gravational field between the MS is also
rotating, so as to create this illusion of a gravitational cylinder
Hmmmm… I’m about to start believing this guy, John the Time Traveler is real.
John, one last question, what sort of actual educational background
(in your time) do you have? That is.. university, college, high school,
etc? Thanks
Rick Donaldson
Colorado Springs
Posted by Benedict Gumby on 02-12-2001 12:06 PM
I just have this to ask you.
Do you recognize the name Benedict?
I want to know because I fully intend to be a prominent figure within the next 20 years.
Posted by Kane Greene on 02-12-2001 12:14 PM
I have read these threads and that web site you directed us all too
on the first page. When first approaching this thread, I was expecting
something to be comical, just some guy who would admit a page later
that it was a joke. He would do that because he would not know how to
answer questions or slip up, something in which you haven’t done! I am
extremely surprised! With each reply you have, the more and more I
think you could be possibly telling the truth.
Some things in John’s defense to think of before being so harsh.
Say you were back in 1900, and you mentioned something about us going
to the moon. What do you think the response would have been? You
probably would have been thought crazy, or a drunk! That is kinda in
relation to what is going on now, we are not familiar or have no
knowledge of Time Travel actually happening before this.
Another thing about people saying how John doesn’t know any World
Events that are about to happen in the next few months. But you have to
remember, that the last time John was in our time, assuming he hasn’t
traveled back was when he was 3 years old! How many of you can honestly
say you remember at-the-time important issues that happened when you
were 3! I know I can’t!
John, now, I would like to ask you a few things I am curious about!
This is something I have found to be very interesting and could
possibly believe you!
(1)Have you ever went on any other time traveling missions? If so, what were they?
(2)I believe you said you had pictures of your time machine, could you post a link to uploaded images?
(3)If you have any pictures of the IBM computer you were susposed to get, could you post a link to them also?
(4)I looked up the name ‘Titor’ in the state of Flordia on
555-1212.com and couldn’t find ANY Titors, is your family not listed in
the phone book?
(5)Can I contact you through any other means of online
communications? Like AOL Instant Messagner? ICQ? MSN? Something so I
can have a conversation with you! But if you don’t have those, could
you possibly consider downloading one of them, http://www.AIM.com, http://www.ICQ.com. And then emailing me your user name abcs_123s@hotmail.com
(6)What is the specific Date that the Nuclear war starts? If you can’t
remember the exact date, could you put the month at least? An estimate!
(7)What is the speed of the average computer in the future? I am
assuming it is in ghZ, if it is higher, could you post the name of that
hZ measurement and its relation to the ghZ?
(8)Can you do your own Time Traveling ventures whenever you want?
If so, how much does it cost? Or can you make ‘pit stops’ along the way
back to 2036?
(9)Have you ever went past your future, like to 2050 or somewhere around there? If so, what is the world like then?
Also, someone said why does he think that there will be a WW3 in
our world since it isn’t the same as his. Well, John said that there is
a 2.5% difference from our world and his, that isn’t that much of a
difference, so a WW3 is very likely to happen if what he says is true
and there is only that much of a difference!
Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-12-2001 12:31 PM
Kane Greene wrote:
“Another thing about people saying how John doesn’t know any World
Events that are about to happen in the next few months. But you have to
remember, that the last time John was in our time, assuming he hasn’t
traveled back was when he was 3 years old! How many of you can honestly
say you remember at-the-time important issues that happened when you
were 3! I know I can’t!”
3 years old.. yes. i was 3 years old when reagan was president
& i probably had no idea he even existed at the time..yet, i know
now that he existed. john is not a three year old now – he’s 38 he says
& unless the schools of the future teach no history then why
wouldn’t he know these things? & as they are big events in history
i can understand (possibly) why he wouldn’t want to post them… but it
has nothing to do with his age… tell me there weren’t things that
happened or people that existed when you were three.. that you didn’t
know of then but know of now? the beatles for instance were alive &
famous before i was ever born, yet i know they existed in the
60′s/70′s. i was born in 81 & challenger blew up soon thereafter
(in 83 i think it was???) i never saw it on television happening.. but
i know it happened.
what about marilyn monroe? i wasn’t even born yet when she was
alive – but i know she existed? & telling us something such as her
existance would not greatly affect the outcome of our entire world.. so
why not tell us? i can possibly understand how telling us that there
will be a horrible bombing in canada..would affect the future ..
someone on here may be from canada & keep their family away from
the site of the bombing .. thus, changing future.. but telling us
something of little importance will NOT change the future! it will only
prove he is who/what he says he is.
Posted by Kane Greene on 02-12-2001 12:45 PM
By Blonnie:
“3 years old.. yes. i was 3 years old when reagan was president
& i probably had no idea he even existed at the time..yet, i know
now that he existed. john is not a three year old now – he’s 38 he says
& unless the schools of the future teach no history then why
wouldn’t he know these things? & as they are big events in history
i can understand (possibly) why he wouldn’t want to post them… but it
has nothing to do with his age… tell me there weren’t things that
happened or people that existed when you were three.. that you didn’t
know of then but know of now? the beatles for instance were alive &
famous before i was ever born, yet i know they existed in the
60′s/70′s. i was born in 81 & challenger blew up soon thereafter
(in 83 i think it was???) i never saw it on television happening.. but
i know it happened.
what about marilyn monroe? i wasn’t even born yet when she was alive -
but i know she existed? & telling us something such as her
existance would not greatly affect the outcome of our entire world.. so
why not tell us? i can possibly understand how telling us that there
will be a horrible bombing in canada..would affect the future ..
someone on here may be from canada & keep their family away from
the site of the bombing .. thus, changing future.. but telling us
something of little importance will NOT change the future! it will only
prove he is who/what he says he is. “
I was alive when Desert Storm took place, do I know the month it
happened? No.. I wouldn’t expect John to either. Plus, History books
from that time would probably contain things about the war from 2005,
possibly things leading up to the war. Not inventions like ‘Ginger’ and
pop artists!
History books might mention some things, but they just give a year
most of the time if it is not of grave importance, they more than less
are going to just give the year and say what it did.
Blah! Why can’t vBulletin have the quote feature like the better, UBB? Blah!
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-12-2001 01:15 PM
I was born in 1957. I DO remember the 1962 crisis, at least in terms
of the adults being scared. I would have been 5 years old. I distinctly
remember John Glenn going up and splashing down, and I remember hearing
about Alan Sheppard (first man in space for you younguns hehe).
I indeed remember watching John Glenn though. I remember Walter
Cronkites voice on television. I can tell you what my house looked like
back then, the size of the TV and that it was black and white. I
remember playing with magnets back then, and being absolutely
fascinated with the magic of magnetic fields even then (which
eventually drove me into the sciences, chemistry, physics and finally
electronics engineering).
I remember a TV show called “Time Tunnel” in the late 60′s. Anyone else?
Anyway, the basic point is, I do have very vivid memories of things
from when I was a child, of no more than 3-4. I have very, very clear
memories of things when I was 3 and even my mom when she was alive was
amazed at the things I could recall from such a young age. Well… I
don’t remember much about politics though. I know that Eisenhower was
the Prez when I was born, but… I don’t remember ANYTHING about him,
but I DO remember all KINDS of things about Kennedy.
So… what I am getting at, John would not necessarily (nor would
anyone else) remember things of politics in their baby years. Some of
us do, many of us do not.
I can tell you something very important to me though… if *I*
stepped into a time machine to go back to… say 1961 or 1962 I
ABSOULTELY would have a complete knowledge of the era that I was
returning to, in my mind. I’d have studied it very carefully, and I
would ensure I had clothing of that era (up to and including the geeky
classes I used to wear as a kid) to “fit in”. 1962 was a year of the
almost end of the human race as we know it now, and I CERTAINLY would
not want to step into a time where I could have been noticed as being
out of place and out of time. Curiousity about me might cause my arrest
or anything else in those days.
As a 43 year old grandpa, I know a LOT more now, than I did then. I
KNOW that if I had the chance to go see it with what I know now, I
would take that chance. I also know that I probably would NOT pass on
intelligence from the future as a matter of course. I would not
communicate with anyone who might be able to discern my intent, or even
anything about the future from me.
Even if I were 2.6% off track from my time line. Even if I were 45%
off track, I would not give anyone the chance to gloam on to anything I
said about the future.
Rick Donaldson
Colorado Springs
Posted by Nikki Colwill on 02-12-2001 01:31 PM
Please tell us about the enviornment, the animal kingdom, are there
any left…what kind? If there were nukes, how do any survive? What are
the physical concequences on us?
Have you heard of ascension or “The Rapture”? If so please tell what you know.
Do you trust anyone in this time frame? If so, do you share more info with them?
Have you heard of the Mayan Calander? Do you believe it to be a true or factual event timeline?
I am told that fear keeps us further from the truth and God, that being
said, you had stated earlier that fear is what would keep us alive, at
least I think you said something like that, anyway I find that a
I would like to speak/e-mail with you. Is that possible or something you would be willing to do? Would you consider that?
Thanks, Nikki
PS–Is Art Bell remembered? Who are the most remembered people from this time?
[Edited by Nikki Colwill on 02-12-2001 at 01:37 PM]
Posted by Kane Greene on 02-12-2001 03:49 PM
John, I have a few more questions. These ones are more about the ‘War’, and the state of your world.
(1) Who is the Major Super Power?
(2) Are the two political parties still Republicans and Democrats?
(3) How many States are there?
(4) Which states get the worst?
(5) Were only cities along the Eastern Sea port hit in the Nuclear War, or all over the country?
(6) Do companys like Microsoft, Yahoo!, and other internet software companys still exist?
(7) Does money look alot different than it does now? If you have a picture, could you please upload it and post the link!
(8) So then when you time travel you can never actually go back to the EXACT same place you left from?
(9) Was alot of the United States’ 18-24 age group slaughtered in the war because of Draft?
(10)Do you ever get visitors from later time periods to 2036?
(11) Are there any other companys, besides the one you work for that have TTs and send them out regularly?
(12) Does the government know there is TT going on?
(13) Why were YOU selected to be a TT? What gave you special qualifications?
(14) How many TTs are there on the team that you are on? How do new recruits get selected?
(15) What all countrys are on our side in the war? What all countrys are on the oposite side?
(16) Which country gets the worst in the war?
Those are just a few more I came up with
Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-12-2001 07:28 PM
John Titor is a fraud. Check out this forum he’s been posting on for
months. And see how he suddenly goes quiet because he is exposed.
And also see the discrepancy’s in his story. And how he attempts to lure people into believing in him. http://www.xone.net/tti/board/ubbhtml/Forum1/HTML/000367.html
We found you TT_0, and now the calvary will soon arrive to expose you here too.
-Javier C.
A.K.A. TimeTravelActivist
Posted by Kennith Viccars on 02-12-2001 07:50 PM
You people are seriously starting to scare me.
Some shmuck claims to be from the year 2036, posts a few
intelligent posts on a online forum, and has a herd of sheep hanging
off his every word.
Get some direction in you lives.
Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-12-2001 08:07 PM
Well it was fun while it lasted. Still haven’t read the archive of
posts of the mentioned board, though, sheep that I am, I’ll have to
take your word for it. (until I get time to read up). What were the
points that stuck out, Javier?
(I do believe in ghosts, I do believe in ghosts, I do, I do …. and on)
Posted by Sally Stanton on 02-12-2001 08:16 PM
Watch me pull a rabbit out of Ong’s Hat!!
Anway, ‘scuze me. Gotta run. My kitty’s looking for that Door into Sumer (sic).
Posted by John Titor on 02-12-2001 08:54 PM
Thank you Vega for the information. I will visit the site and I expect I will have some questions.
Yes, there are a great many people who think that Revelations has come
to pass. However, the new fear is that Christ has returned, he’s not
telling us and he’s very angry. I am not familiar with the Fatima
Prophesies but I am aware of the term. I was not sent here to change
anything. Since it would not affect my home anyway, it would be rather
pointless. I am here because of my family and the interaction I had
with them in 1975. I understand the question about the Antichrist but I
must admit I hadn’t given it much thought. My initial reaction is to
consider how the Antichrist would affect my life if I could identify
him/her. If your life became a sort of “Hell” anyway, would it matter
if the Antichrist was real?
I became aware of this bulletin board through my various archiving
work through the web. We do enjoy “talk programs” but they are
distributed over the web. I don’t have additional information about
UFOs and I find the subject quite interesting myself. I have often
wondered if they aren’t time travelers with very sophisticated
machines. Based on what I know about the nature of time I find this
difficult to believe but nothing is impossible.
Yes, handmade items and the skills to make them are quite prevalent
and people take a great deal of pride in their work. People with the
skills to make clothing, work with leather and wood or cultivate a
garden have become quite valuable. Please do not think your questions
are unimportant. I enjoy the conversation.
Fiji? I’ve noticed that when most Americans think about Canada in
this time, they think about pine trees, chooks and back-bacon. It may
interest you to know that most Canadians in 2036 are some of the most
efficient, ruthless and dangerous people I know. God help Quebec.
Within limits, I’m confident my anonymity is secure. The various
email and web accounts I have do not have a big sign that says “Time
Machine This Way –à”. In order to be at risk I would have to be
believed. In my experience, evil may be powerful, but they aren’t very
((you couldn’t even answer the simple question of what will be the next ‘movement’ in music? just something so simple as that))
Unfortunately, your question is rather difficult for me. Any
personal experience I might have with your worldline at a specific
moment is limited to my viewpoint and age. I can’t tell you what music
is popular in the next few years because the “me” here is only three
years old. In addition, how does someone decide what the most popular
music trend is? It would seem rather subjective to me. Thinking about
it now I sort of wonder what it would be like to be a teenager now and
know the answer to that question. When I was thirteen I used to worry
about which shotgun slug would take a door handle off and whether or
not I had any dry socks. Current fallout estimates are accurate but a
bit exaggerated.
Your example of what people would do based on something I might say
is accurate. However, my concern would be the potential actions of a
single person, not the masses. In 1963, if I suggested that someone
should watch the book depository windows as the President went by, the
actions of a single person might have a huge impact on history. You
also asked if I’ve visited my “past” family. That’s where I am now.
((1) Once a micro-singularity is produced and placed in statis in a
magnetic field, what is the approximate strength of that magnetic
2) How is the magnetic field produced (I mean – what power source holds the field in place)?
3) What would happen to the microsignularity if that source FAILED? For
instance would the microsingularity begin to grow? Or would it cease to
These are excellent questions that I probably won’t answer to your
satisfaction but let me make a couple of points first. Although I am
familiar with the general manufacture of the unit, I am not a physicist
or a scientist. My background is in history and I had the correct
profile to accomplish my given task in 1975. I doubt that most jet
fighter pilots are aeronautical engineers and I’ll bet most of you
couldn’t give me the formula for horsepower, yet you drive a car every
The second point I can illustrate with an interesting story. In the
opening phases of WWI, one of the largest problems early fighter pilots
had was how to shoot a machine gun through the propeller blades without
chopping it to bits. The problem was very straightforward. When the
engine was off, the blades took up only a small percentage of the total
arch but with the engine on, there was seemingly no way to know when it
was safe to shoot through them. This problem lasted for quite a while
until a very smart person came up with a very simple solution. By using
a small lobed cam on the propeller shaft that controlled a switch on
the machine gun, it was possible to stop the gun from firing only when
the cam turned off the switch at the point a bullet might hit the
blade. It was so simple in fact, the other side only caught on to the
idea after one of the planes crashed and they were able to take it
My point is; seemingly very complicated problems often have very
simple and ingenious solutions using technology that is already
available. The distortion unit is not magic and no alien technology was
required to make it work. If you could see it, the “smarts” that went
into designing it will amaze you more than the technology. Heck, the
really interesting technology is in the computer.
The magnetic field does not require the fantastic energies you
might imagine. The field is “created” and captures the singularity
inside a very large and powerful specially designed particle
accelerator. If the magnetic system failed (which has numerous backups
including a system that would remove it from this worldline), the
singularity would evaporate. Although it is smaller than an electron,
it would still be quite undesirable.
((why do you keep telling us about the ww3..etc.. how do you know
that will even -happen- in our worldline? it may have already been
nipped in the bud for all you know..because ours is a different
-worldline- from yours!))
Yes, you are correct! However, I am not confident things are
different enough for you to avoid the conflict. You may also consider
the possibility that a world with no war is far less desirable in the
long run. In response to your other point, your assumptions about
causality are correct but my personal morality still comes into play. I
won’t deviate from my three rules because of the way I would feel about
The singularities do not create Tipler cylinders they create the
same physical environment without all the mass. The same math works for
both. There are two singularities. Their mass and spin is altered in
order to adjust the size of the ergosphere and cause the event horizons
to interact and create the gravity sinusoid. I have a basic home
schooling education (k-12) and a bachelor’s degree in history.
I will get to the remaining questions soon.
Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-12-2001 09:35 PM
i am simply going to answer many questions at once.. read above for
sources.. i do not site the source of the question. i also want to note
that i’m a very -unskeptical- person..i kinda have the philosophy that
anything is possible .. i infact, believe that time travel does most
likely exist.. but mr titor you have skirted around too many questions
to be believable. someone asked why they could not find a ‘titor
‘listed in florida.. & you failed to answer that question.. here
are my responses.
(a summary of a question) “he was only 3 years old now..how would -he- know what the next big movement in music was?”
..i know that madonna was a HUGE THING in the 80′s.. yet i was only
born in 81!! i know that ‘dallas’ & ‘dynasty’ & ‘falcon crest’
were big time t.v. shows then..but i was very young. why wouldn’t he
know of such simple things as that? & even if he was just 3..he was
5 & 6 & up to 38 before he ‘came here’..!!
another response:
“I was alive when Desert Storm took place, do I know the month it
happened? No.. I wouldn’t expect John to either. Plus, History books
from that time would probably contain things about the war from 2005,
possibly things leading up to the war. Not inventions like ‘Ginger’ and
pop artists!
History books might mention some things, but they just give a year most
of the time if it is not of grave importance, they more than less are
going to just give the year and say what it did. “
i never asked for an exact month – i asked for a rough time period.
you do not need a history book to know the things that i ask – because
i’m asking things that are common knowledge among -society-. in our
‘dumbed down’ society.. even the people w/the largest lack of knowledge
about current events know popular things that are occuring. & if
they happen to be three years old right now – don’t you think they’d
say ‘well, when i was 13, -guzzenberry- was a big t.v. show’. i need no
history book to know that by the time i was 5-9 she-ra dolls were a big
time thing.. & they were the next rave of toys. or that ‘we didn’t
start the fire’ or whatever it’s title.. was a big hit song.. if you
were a person at that time..you’d remember those sorts of silly little
mr titors response to my question (mine in parenthesis):
“((you couldn’t even answer the simple question of what will be the
next ‘movement’ in music? just something so simple as that))
“”Unfortunately, your question is rather difficult for me. Any personal
experience I might have with your worldline at a specific moment is
limited to my viewpoint and age. I can’t tell you what music is popular
in the next few years because the “me” here is only three years old. In
addition, how does someone decide what the most popular music trend is?
It would seem rather subjective to me. Thinking about it now I sort of
wonder what it would be like to be a teenager now and know the answer
to that question. When I was thirteen I used to worry about which
shotgun slug would take a door handle off and whether or not I had any
dry socks. Current fallout estimates are accurate but a bit
you say popular music would be subjective..but i say: even though i
am not a fan of rap music..i know it came to the forfront in the 80′s..
run dmc.. the fresh prince.. ton loc. (ok, i kinda like those
bands..but the more modern day ones i care little for..).. i know that
madonna for instance was on countless billboards in the 80′s & was
known for her ‘sex’ driven image..michael jackson was the ‘king of
pop’.. – milli vanilli -sucked- & that ‘the new kids on the block’
were a rave w/my generation.
you also say this:
“Your example of what people would do based on something I might say is
accurate. However, my concern would be the potential actions of a
single person, not the masses. In 1963, if I suggested that someone
should watch the book depository windows as the President went by, the
actions of a single person might have a huge impact on history. You
also asked if I’ve visited my “past” family. That’s where I am now.”
when i ask you a question of why you can’t tell us ‘there will be
an earthquake in isreal in 2010..’ or something of the such..this is
not a question that someone could CHANGE. it is a natural disaster
& i purposely chose that sort of a disaster so the question could
not be passed by as you did in your response. however, you choose to
use a different type of example rather than answer my question
i am a basic naive -schmuck-..in that i am gullible & like to
believe everything. i’ve heard of the planet ‘nibiru’ & find the
theories extremely interesting & i even think it could be/might be
true.. i do believe in time travel & i even think that we are
perhaps being visited -now- by time travelers.. however, i don’t know
if this is -true-..just a possibility.
i just think you skirt around too many issues .. & by refusing
to even mention something from the ‘future’ that could not be -changed-
by people -today-..it just gives me further evidence that you are not
who you say you are.
i apologize to be so blunt.. but you skirt around so many questions that i just find you hard to believe.
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