Confirming for John:
((It is interesting to note that the photos posted on that other
site were posted by an “anonomyous time traveler” some time back. It
fits the exact description John has give us of his machine. Therefore,
based on his discription alone, I would say he is the one that posted
the pictures. If he didn’t post them, then he is using them for the
basis of his story.))
Those are mine. They were posted by another person who I’m sure is reading this also and would be happy to confirm that. “”"”"
Yes, I will confirm the fact that John did send me the photos and I
sent them to Doc ,who is also a friend of mine ,to post on his
board.and I will be more than happy to post more of your manual if you
want, John.
Posted by Lola Montez on 02-19-2001 08:13 PM
How do I find the pictures and manual pages you are speaking of?
Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 10:07 PM
So those responds to our questions took you 5 days to come up with? Is that the best you could do?
Your not really efficient are you, when you’re asked to think on your feet?
You said you went to basic training remember, on the other forum?
And that’s how you got asked to be apart of this Time Travel project in
the first place. Be consistent.
And the question was, “Is John Titor your real name?”
Your responds, “Yes, John Titor is a real name.”
And you didn’t even answer the other questions fully. You answered
them like a politician would, and that’s by stepping around the truth
without actually lying. You’re to generic. But it’s logical enough to
keep your story and claims going.
But for how long
-Javier C.
[Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 at 10:13 PM]
Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 10:18 PM
John you were asked these 2 questions, and you responded to them.
But I would like you to answer them again, and to please elaborate more
on them. Thank you.
((John, any chance of getting a better set of photos with more of the manual?. ))
……..My only concern is how it might affect the “me” on this worldline.
((I guess you are held accountable, in some way, for changes that occur in your time period..))
……..nothing I do here will affect my home. I hold myself accountable for any damage I do.
So where do you stand? Your awfully unclear when asked questions of
this nature. And you always give a conflicting point of view to others
you’ve had to answer. And it’s always about you.
So how about we set the record straight here this time, huh
Oh and by the way everyone. John here says no one believes him… Is
that right everyone? Well if that’s true or not, he’s in FLORIDA and
goes by the name of JOHN TITOR. Do your own investigation, and show him
how much you believe him. I’m sure you’ll get some takers
[Edited by Javier Cortez on 02-19-2001 at 10:46 PM]
Posted by John Titor on 02-20-2001 05:06 AM
((So those responds to our questions took you 5 days to come up with? Is that the best you could do?))
How many days seem normal?
((You said you went to basic training remember, on the other forum? And
that’s how you got asked to be apart of this Time Travel project in the
first place. Be consistent.))
Your question referred to army basic training. My earlier comment referred to be choosen for this mission.
((…You answered them like a politician would, and that’s by
stepping around the truth without actually lying. You’re to generic.
But it’s logical enough to keep your story and claims going.))
I’m not sure but it sure looks like your trying to say I’m being
truthful within your expectations. However, if you’re trying to hurt my
feelings, comparing me to a politician will do it.
(……..My only concern is how it might affect the “me” on this worldline.)
Actually, this is a good question. If the “me” here goes on to have
the same type of life and future work that I did, it may not look good
on his resume that another “him” has left a videotape behind of his
future mission to 1975.
((I guess you are held accountable, in some way, for changes that occur in your time period..))
((So where do you stand? Your awfully unclear when asked questions of
this nature. And you always give a conflicting point of view to others
you’ve had to answer. And it’s always about you.))
If you look at my concern carefully, you can see that it won’t affect me at all. It affects him.
((Oh and by the way everyone. John here says no one believes him…
Is that right everyone? Well if that’s true or not, he’s in FLORIDA and
goes by the name of JOHN TITOR. Do your own investigation, and show him
how much you believe him. I’m sure you’ll get some takers))
I’m touched by your concern for my safety.
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 07:49 AM
Art had a fellow on the show the other day from a Time Travel organization.
John, do they have anything to do with the “future” of time travel
as YOU know it? The information can be found on Art Bell’s site, as
well as the full audio archive of the show.
If you get the chance, listen in, and check out the web site and
tell us what you think of the information the doctor provided on the
About video taping the depature… Let us assume you do this, and
your agents (family?) in florida send the tape to the Sci Fi channel,
or to Art Bell… how would this affect you in the future?
Theoretically speaking, I doubt that anyone could determine that
you actually time traveled, but it would certainly make a very good
When you depart this time, what is it we will see? Will the vehicle
simply vanish instantly, or fade out? Will a “bubble” of time develop
around the vehicle causing an darkened sphere preventing light from
going through? Will anything (other biological entities) caught in the
“time sphere” vanish as well – more specifically, any plants or animal
life that approaches too closely to the vehicle… will they get
dragged along?
Posted by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 08:16 AM
I am not familiar with Art’s site what is the name of the program
on the time travel organization audio and how do i find it? I would
like to listen to it. thanks.
I know John is busy archiving and I am going to help him out on
this one because he has already answered the last couple of questions
you had. I am sure he will appreciate it. here you go Rick:
Pamela: 1.What exactly would an observer see as they saw you arriving in this
time? and exactly what would they see as you departed? would you just appear
suddenly or slowly? would you look like a heat mirage for awhile? any
light effects? or hazy misty shimmering distortion?
Time travel_0- The observation of time travelers “appearing”
suddenly in a world line do not happen very often. There are two cases
and two points of view to consider. In the first case, the time machine
does not move as it goes from one world line to another and then
returns. The people watching on the original world linewould wave good
bye and watch as the machine is turned on.
There would be a static discharge and the air would appear to “ripple”
as if it were getting denser. Then, it would stop and the machine will
have appeared to have gone no where. If the machine doesn’t move its
position from world line to world line, the observer would not see it
disappear at all. In the second case, if the machine is moved, it would
disappear from the viewpoint of the observer and return in a different
location based on where it was moved and turned on from the destination
world line. In that case, the rippling seems to dissolve the machine
and it disappears. If that happens while you are watching it leave and
you expect it to return, you know it was moved or had a serious
malfunction. It is actually quite dangerous to get too close to a
distortion unit as it enters or leaves a world line. It vents radiation
and has a very strong localized gravity field. Personally, I worry
about that a great deal.
Pamela:2.What is the dimension of the field around the car? How many feet out from the car would you say it goes?
Timetravel_0-It can be adjusted to some degree. The CG (center of
gravity) is adjustable within about 4 feet and the unit is effective
about 10 to 12 feet in either direction from there. The vertical
distance is quite a bit shorter and is determined by sensors in the
Pamela:3.approximately in inches how much of the ground is taken with you in one trip?
timetravel_0-Depending on weather or not you are going forward or
backward, the footprint of the unit is different. I wouldn’t quite say
it “scoops” up the ground cleanly. It sort of vibrates it loose and
takes it along for the ride. It looks like someone raked the ground an
inch or so deep with a small hand hoe or shovel. The negative
ergosphere “scoops” up the front and back areas of the field. The
positive ergosphere leaves a longer area near the center of mass. Its
about a cubic foot of dirt spread out over six square feet or so.
Pamela:4.If they put the device in a house and turned it on what do you think would happen?
Timetravel_0-It might not be as destructive as you think. Depending
on how close any object is to the field, it might not do any damage at
all except for the floor.
Pamela:5.what would happen to a bird or small animal that ran across the field right when it was producing the field to travel?
Timetravel_0-It would be quickly spread out over the lateral length
of the gravity field. Imagine being squished and stretched at the same
time. I would imagine anything left after that would be vaporized and
generate static electricity. hot would you say the temperature gets on the outside of the car while in operation?
Timetravel_0-Very! hot. Depending on the power setting, 100 to 120 degrees is average. the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off?
Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on.
Pamela: 8.has the device been tested on ships and airplanes?
Timetravel_0-Not that I’m aware of. Its important that it remain as
still as possible so the gravity sensors can get a good lock. The
divergence confidence would be way off if the vehicle was moving. you wear special uniforms when you time travel? what do they look
like and does your group have a timetravel emblem or group name?
Timetravel_0-I wear a standard civilian service uniform during instruction and training.
Its sort of a cross between an army uniform and overalls. We do have a
quarter master who distributes clothing appropriate to where
ever we are going. There is a patch. It is round and has a graphic of a
Kerr singularity (sort of looks like an eye with gravity waves around it)
with two spiral paths running through it’s center. One path represents the
“safe” way and the other is the path to God. The bottom of the patch has my
unit number along with “Temporal Recon” printed on it. However, we remove
any identification and patches before we go anywhere
by the way can you tell me what it feels like to time travel? when you are
in the process of doing it what does it feel like and what do you see and
hear. you made mention that you had to get use to the fields. Do you see a
bright flash of light?
Interesting first question. The unit has a ramp up time after the
destination coordinates are fed into the computers. An audible alarm and a
small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in
a seat. The gravity field generated by the unit overtakes you very quickly.
You feel a tug toward the unit similar to rising quickly in an elevator and
it continues to rise based on the power setting the unit is working under.
At 100% power, the constant pull of gravity can be as high as 2 Gs or more
depending on how close you are to the unit. There are no serious side
effects but I try to avoid eating before a flight.
No bright flash of light is seen. Outside, the vehicle appears to
accelerate as the light is bent around it. We have to wear sunglasses or
close our eyes as this happens due to a short burst of ultraviolet
radiation. Personally I think it looks like your driving under a rainbow.
After that, it appears to fade to black and remains totally black until the
unit is turned off. We are advised to keep the windows closed as a great
deal of heat builds up outside the car. The gravity field also traps a
small air pocket around the car that acts as your only O2 supply unless you
bring compressed air with you. This pocket will only last for a short
period and a carbon sensor tells us when it’s too dangerous. The C204 unit
is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour
at 100% power.
You do hear a slight hum as the unit operates and when the power changes or
the unit turns off. There is a great deal of electrical crackling noise from static electricity.
[Edited by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 at 08:54 AM]
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 08:31 AM (Link here)
The information below will be listed on the site. The guy is Dr. Anderson. His site is listed below.
02/15/01 – Thu/Fri
Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Topic Search: Apollo Missions
Guest: Dr David Anderson
Topic Search: Time Travel
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-20-2001 09:57 AM
Hi Pamela. Thanks for the answers. I assume you have all this archived from another BBS or something?
What’s your part in all this? How did you get the pictures of the machine? Do you know, or have you met John personally?
Have you seen the time machine yourself?
John – If you wouldn’t mind, could you post a few more photos of
the manual. Not anything that might give away some secret or something,
but something that would be interesting from a scientific point of
view? Thanks
Posted by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 03:20 PM
Hi Rick,
((I assume you have all of this archived from another BBS or something?))
This piece of information origionally came from an email
conversation between John and I and yes, it was posted on the
timetravelinstitute BB. I only submitted it here so John didnt have to
explain it all over again. and it answered your question. I asked him
the same question.
((What’s your part in all of this?))
Iam not exactly sure…yet.
((How did you get pictures of the machine?))
John gave them to me.
((Do you know, or have you met John personally?))
I have been talking to John since Nov. 2, 2000.
Where I came in contact with him through the timetravelinstitute. I have been in communication with him every since.
Thankyou for the link, Rick. I listened to Dr. Anderson it was very
interesting indeed. alot of information. hopefully John will have a
chance to listen to it.
I am pleasantly surprised I didnt realize what a great source of
information Art had here on his web site. I will be listening to
several other audios.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-20-2001 03:38 PM
You flatter your self John. You know very well I didn’t mean that. I
think that was a desprate move on your part. Like always attempting to
turn it back to the reciever.
And I’m picking up that your a bit annoyed. What ever happened to thinking rational? One of your fears isn’t it?
I am pressed for time at the moment, but I will return later to finish this post A.S.A.P.
-Javier C.
Posted by Brett Fredrico on 02-20-2001 05:09 PM
John posted the following yesterday(2/19/01):
Suppose I told you the space shuttle would have a problem landing at
Kennedy tomorrow because something goes wrong with the runway. If
someone with the authority to do so hears that and makes the decision
to land at Edwards…bingo, your future has changed from my past.
Well, what did happen today? The space shuttle was scheduled to land at
Kennedy as of this morning but was changed to Edwards at the last
minute because of weather. This happens almost half the time
though… John had a (50/50) chance of telling us the future if
that is what he intended to do.
Posted by John Titor on 02-20-2001 05:23 PM
((so John had a (50/50) chance of telling us the future if that is what he intended to do.))
Yes, there was a 50/50 chance of that happening but the odds were easily one out two that it could have gone the other way.
Posted by Phillip Stout on 02-20-2001 05:56 PM
You said that there will be a big war right? And that Russia will
nuke some of our major cities, right? Can you at least tell us which
cities will be nuked? I’m already guessing you can’t. I pray Anchorage
isn’t one of them..
Are we traveling in space in 2036?
Have we made it to Mars?
Have we colonized the Moon?
Has first contact with an alien race occured?
Posted by Doug Beauchamp on 02-20-2001 06:51 PM
Just a few questions, I apologize if they don’t seem 100% thought
out or if they’ve already been answered, I’m tired and I have a lot of
work still to do.
1) You say your machine has roughly a 60 year limit. Is it possible to go back 60 years and then another 60 years?
2) Have the people of your time proved the “worldline theory?” If
they have, is there any information you can share with is that proves
3) Ever hear the story of Edipus? To make a long sotry short, after
being told he will kill his father and marry his mother he moves far
away. On the road he acciddently killed his father and ended up
marrying his mother. Thus, the prophecy is what caused him to fulfill
it. You say you don’t want to effect anything too much by giving out
information, but you could drastically change this worldline just by
talking about the war, or anything for that matter.
Posted by Stephen McKay on 02-20-2001 06:58 PM
If you’re interested in posting some more photos and (pending your
decision) the video of your departure, I would be happy to display them
on my site. I’ve only got 5 meg storage, but I’m not using it at the
I’m eager to see some better photos
E-mail me if you’re interested.
Posted by James R.Quayle III on 02-20-2001 07:29 PM
John Titor ,i posted to you before and would like to let you know
that i would love to come along for the ride to the future if you need
a sidekick,i am able to fly hot air balloons,a good shot,physically
strong and quick,smart on my feet in case a odd event occurs and I
would not mind leaving this time to go to yours.I am not attached to
any one on this earth ,after all my ET encounters I need not worry of
much of this earth,i am 31 and have much experience in the Occult(the
hidden),and ET/human affairs,Oh and i know another TT traveler,and have
met I thought i would get to the point ,and
those who brave to ask get the Willy Wonka Golden TIcket,eh,John
Titor,(Or do you not know of that movie reference) ?
Posted by Chris Forrest on 02-20-2001 08:01 PM
John Titor,
Well, I don’t buy your story. Sorry, some slang terms seem to confuse
you. I don’t BELIEVE your story. I don’t pretend to know the first
thing about such advanced topics as time travel, calculating a NFL
quarterback rating, or the perfect temperature to cook a Hot Pocket in.
Having written all that, of course I do have a question, something that
will definitely tell me whether you are full of it or not.
So here goes…
There have been many movements in music…rock, disco, and hip hop
are some of them. Though most people probably can’t rifle out names of
musical groups from 35 years ago, they probably would have a basic
awareness of what musical influences prevailed at the time. So my
question is…what is the NEXT big movement in music that will take
place here in the US, specifically?
I have the feeling this sort of knowledge isn’t the stuff you go to
Vegas and bet on, because it’s pretty generalized and pretty vague, as
well. Of course, being as simple-minded as I am, I would figure that
most people your age would know at least the types of musical
influences that were around as they were growing up. A direct answer
will work here, if you don’t mind.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-20-2001 09:58 PM
I like your format, and I see the representative you hired to
answer your posts does also. Don’t mind if I steal it from you for just
a moment
((How many days seem normal?))
2 at the most. Especially when you make grandiose claims of being from
the year 2036. Your credibility suffers big time when you don’t reply.
Gives the impression that your trying to figure out what to say next
((Your question referred to army basic training. My earlier comment referred to be choosen for this mission.))
Are you sure about that? I remember distinctively you saying that you
got approached for this mission right after basic training. I mean, it
was one of my first posts to you in the other forum. After saying “good
thing I got injured, or that would have been my fate too.”
By the way, not to be picky or anything. But I know how perfect you
like to have things with your writing. I just wanted to point out that
you misspelled CHOOSEN. It’s Chosen, with one O.
((I’m not sure but it sure looks like your trying to say I’m being
truthful within your expectations. However, if you’re trying to hurt my
feelings, comparing me to a politician will do it.))
Ok, here’s were we had a failure in communication. I have been
saying all along that you manipulate your statements to benefit your
story. I was only saying that you keep doing this, while dodging
certain things that would discredit you. But mainly what I’m saying is
that your story is very important to you, and that consistency is
paramount to you. Right?
((Actually, this is a good question. If the “me” here goes on to
have the same type of life and future work that I did, it may not look
good on his resume that another “him” has left a videotape behind of
his future mission to 1975.))
Now you think about this? So you’re this Time Traveler from the
year 2036 who somehow managed to learn perfect English while fighting a
war. But when you Time Traveled to the year 2000 you just had to spill
the beans to everyone, and are now finally realizing the out comes of
your actions might not be wise.
Man, how irresponsible is that? Do you have any idea how you exploited
your self here? Talk about chewing gum and walking at the same time
((If you look at my concern carefully, you can see that it won’t affect me at all. It affects him.))
Yeah I see your concern.
1. Announcing to the whole world who you are.
2. Telling everyone what the future is going to be like, and what to watch out for.
3. Sharing scientific theories of Time Travel to your past, which is our present
3. Using your perfect English and logic to manipulate others into believing and following your story.
4. Asking for volunteers to go back with you to the year 2036.
5. Saying where you were born and where you live, and knowing that government officials read these post everyday.
6. Admitting that you have a secret agenda. With that said, you know
anything you say can be questionable. In other words, you can be lying
to everyone big time about everything, your purpose, your motives, your
reason for being here.
7. Offering to make a videotape of your departure.
8. And much much more.
Yeah I can see how you’re really concerned.
I’m sure little Johnny will thank you for making his stay in a
government facility the most comfortable during the war and missing his
opportunity in becoming a Time Traveler?
((I’m touched by your concern for my safety.))
You said your self no one believes you. I was merely trying to see if you were correct. Excuse me for trying to take a poll.
-Javier C.
Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 06:33 AM
Perhaps it goes without saying but I would urge everyone to listen to Art’s show tonight.
Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-21-2001 07:43 AM
Am I getting this right? You load up all the people who want to go
with you in the back of your Chevy pickup, drive from Florida to
Minnesota. Sell that truck in Minnesota, buy another truck older than
1975, load everyone back in that truck, drive back to Florida and then
depart back to the future. Sounds like it will be quite a sight to
behold. If you can, swing by Ohio and give me a honk. Your welcome to
stay at my place.
Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 08:01 AM
Why is that John, somehow you managed to pay your way to get on the air? So your thinking big now huh?
No problem.
Little Johny needs all the free publicity he can get.
Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-21-2001 08:26 AM
Javier – I read your note here, and was thinking about something you
said… something about “knowing government officials read these posts
every day”. Actually, I really don’t think they do.
Think about this for a minute. I am one of the few government
people I know that read stuff like this. To me, it is interesting (and
there isn’t anything wrong with fantasy role playing in my opinion -
assuming that is what John [and perhaps the rest of us] are doing).
It makes sense that one would think they are, but.. who has time?
(I do… I have a pretty inanne job most of the time so I read stuff
like this when I’m waiting on backups to complete or other things
running in the background).
I seriously doubt the CIA or FBI has the man power or the time to
do it. Secondarily to that – the so-called “Carnivore” system can’t
POSSIBLY look at everything out there. I know it can’t. No matter what
people think. It isn’t possible to catch every conversation, email, web
page, pager data or anything else in the “ether”. IMPOSSIBLE at this
Anyway… that’s my opinion on the government watching this stuff.
They simply “don’t believe it” and “have better things to do”.
Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 08:45 AM
((Just wanted to recommend a book I think might tell you volumes about
present macro socio-economic conditions that lay the foundation for the
evolving political divisions you state lead to a civil war in the US in
the near future.
The book is “When Corporations Rule the World” by John C. Korten.))
I’ll look for it, thanks. I have a couple for you. The Nine Nations of
North America and/or The Physics of Immortality (anyone recognize this
((1) would you be able to internationally travel by:
traveling to the year 2001, fly a plane to the desired destination, and then go to the future from there? ))
You can only travel in time from a static position (at least with the
unit I have). In order to do even this, you must have knowledge of the
local terrain and building structures. That’s one of the basic
protocols we do in any time period for possible, future travelers.
((2) If each world line is separate from the others, then wouldn’t
the consequences of your actions now have no effect on your original
world line?))
Yes, that’s correct.
((If this is the case, why won’t you tell us things that will give us knowledge or let us avoid death?))
I am not qualified to judge if you deserve it or not and I have no
idea if you may be the next (for lack of a better reference) Hitler.
However, if I were able to physically help you from a situation because
I was there and I knew it was coming, I would help you.
((My only geuss is that you are not a time traveller, and don’t want to
say anything that could make a gullable person do something stupid. ))
Yes, I am aware that is the obvious first answer but I would hope
my moral and logical arguments at least make a dent in your thinking.
If you were a time traveler, would you be comfortable giving out all
that information after considering the possible consequences? (Provided
you knew it). If I were you, I would be worried about what the next
time traveler might do….even by mistake.
((3) how can I leave a message for myself in the future if the things I do in this worldline do not effect the others?))
Just post it here. All this information will probably end up on the
web in 2036. If you’re alive then and you think ahead for some reason
to do a search on yourself, you might see it. Of course the “you” there
would have no memory of doing it.
((your prediction of its pending disintegration, beginning in three short years, is utterly improbable, if not impossible.))
Have you see the documentary on Waco? You can drive to a video
store and rent it. It’s called “Waco – Rules of Engagement.” Just for
argument’s sake, what do you think would happen if information were
discovered that confirmed the worst accusations made against the law
enforcement officers there? Would you hope….nothing?
((P.S. The idea of a farmer general leaving his fields to lead his
country’s troops to victory is an old one going back, at least, to
Roman times. Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, I believe, was the gentleman’s
name, from the 5th Century B.C. Roman Republic.))
Yes, I often think about that when I see pictures of “my” farmer
general in Omaha. It’s a large bronze depiction holding a shotgun in
one hand a copy of the Constitution in the other. He is looking up at
the sky in defiance of God after his father was killed. (At least his
name isn’t Sparticus or William).
((I guess if you asked Joseph Campbell there are only a few stories
and all literature is the re-telling of the same few stories in
different settings.))
Just like life.
Lola and the rest coming…
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